Sex scene between Ursula Corbero and Quim Gutierrez: “I need a respirator”

“Body on fire”,new series Netflixpresenting different intimate scenes between the protagonists, brought to life by the actors Ursula Corbero and Kim Gutierrez. In an interview with Los40, both men explained various anecdotes about filming these moments.

Kim Gutierrez He didn’t hide that he didn’t have a particularly good time due to health problems: “The sex scenes were shot during a week when there was a lot of nudity. And I I had a terrible case of bronchitis that week.,Crowded. It’s stop and go coughing. “It’s like a sex photo of an elderly person needing a respirator.”

Additionally, he noted that his illness is so real that it may even confuse viewers of the show. Netflix. “When you see him, you feel like he’s freaking out. He’s so into it that he’s having trouble breathing. No, I’m dying. Regardless, it will be much easier if you have chemistry. ” he commented in a light tone.

Two actors were interviewed.

In itself, Ursula Corbero He assures that when you are in front of the camera, everything is seen from a very different perspective: “People think everything is super sexy, but in fact it’s just a whole.” In addition, there is a picture Privacy Coordinator who ensured the actor’s composure during such intimate scenes.

The conspiracy between Úrsula Corbero and Quim Gutierrez

The two have a good relationship. Kim Gutierrez He recognized that they both had a similar sense of humor, which made the job easier: “We’ve always had chemistry and we understand each other very well”. The actors have known each other for a long time and had no problems filming the show’s most intimate scenes.

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