Side B of marble even after 50 with J-Lo’s easy makeup and go with the costume test

Having a nice body and firm buttocks even after the age of 50 is not impossible at all. Today we reveal the secret of Jennifer Lopez.

Despite her 53 years, J-Lo is always in splendid shape and, above all, has a B-side to be envied. Today we reveal his secrets to arrive perfect at the costume test.

Jennifer Lopez’s secrets to have perfect buttocks-( photo loop)-

Each has its own physique and no miracle diet or miraculous exercise will turn us into a Victoria’s Secret model in a week. This is always good to remember. How should it be remembered that each of us can always do a lot to improve ourselves. At any age.

Certainly those who are short will not become tall and those with Mediterranean hips will not fit into a size 38 but having a good body means, first of all, being healthy, without excess kilos – but not underweight either – and being firm. Don’t think that it is possible to have a toned and fit body only in your 20s and 30s. You can have a dream physique even after 50.

Jennifer Lopez is a beautiful example of this. Despite her 53 years, she has an enviable shape and perfect buttocks. It’s not a question of money or miraculous tricks: today we reveal what to do to improve your B-side.

Here’s J-Lo’s secret to perfect buttocks

At the base of a good physique there are always healthy and balanced diet and physical activity. And these are factors within everyone’s reach, not just Hollywood stars.

The best exercises to tone the buttocks /

Certainly Jennifer Lopez – by virtue of the work she does – dedicates many hours a day to dance and fitness activities. We who are not actresses and also have other duties cannot spend three or more hours a day playing sports. But we can do short, intense workouts that work the right muscles. Enough 30 minutes a day to get back or keep fit. We start with small jumps in place for 3 minutes; let’s continue with jump rope, abs, squats and planks: sets of 2 minutes for each exercise.

But the best exercises to train the glutes and have a dream B-side like J-Lo’s are these: sumo squats, weighted squats and high jumps contracting the buttocks. If you dedicate at least 10 minutes a day only to your buttocks, you will soon see the difference. Also, to burn more calories, the ideal is to do at least 20 minutes a day of cardio activity such as running or spinning. However, it’s not just a question of training. Jennifer Lopez explained that to have such a fit physique sleeps at least 9 hours a night and avoid all vices. In fact, the famous actress and singer does not drink alcohol, does not take caffeine and does not smoke. She obviously cares a lot about feeding and Limit fatty foods and sweets as much as possible.

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