Some people only exist in Tallahassee.

Seemingly peaceful Landis Green, free of some of the characters Tallahassee has to offer.

Tallahassee certainly has a reputation that surpasses itself. Whether it’s called “Tallanasti” or just “home”, every FSU student has a story about something they’ve seen that is clearly specific to the town.

Some even call Tallahassee a “simulation” because sometimes everyday life just doesn’t seem real. When you go outside or just go to class, you can always see something remarkable. The people watching here are like a live reality TV audience. Tallahassee proves that people truly make this place.

In the beginning, the students witnessed many things as they drove to class every day. From Quidditch matches (now called “quadball”) on Langford Green to gunfights on Landis, junior Katherine Kubillan has seen it all. During her freshman year, she discovered Tallahassee while in the middle of a furry convention.

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