Soothe Sinusitis with Garlic, Chili Peppers and Ginger

Some medicinal foods have purifying and mucus-dissolving properties that can relieve symptoms.

Mucus? congestion? Headache? When the soft tissue lining the sinuses becomes inflamed and infected, we are almost certain to have sinusitis. At this point, how can you get rid of sinusitis naturally?

When faced with sinusitis, there are two possibilities. If these symptoms occur frequently or even last for more than 12 weeks, you may have chronic sinusitis and should see a doctor immediately. On the other hand, if we develop this illness after a cold or a specific allergy, it is most likely acute.

natural treatment

Three medicinal foods with purifying and mucolytic properties are very beneficial for ending sinusitis naturally: garlic, cayenne pepper, and ginger.

As this study from Washington State University (USA) points out, in order for garlic to have healing properties, we must consume raw garlic because of its antibacterial properties. We can add it to grated or crushed foods such as sauces, stews, vinaigrettes, rice, etc. We can also perform Tibetan garlic treatments or, if we find it difficult to digest, can purchase capsules.

Chili pepper, on the other hand, is a very hot spice. However, according to this study conducted by Mashhad University (Iran), it is very beneficial in treating obesity and diabetes.

If you have sinusitis, soon after eating we will start to notice that the mucus becomes thinner and the body asks us to get rid of it. We’ll start with very small amounts, like a handful, added to recipes like stews, soups, and more.

Finally, we can use exotic ginger root as a spice (in all types of dishes, including meat and fish) and grind it. In the latter case, it can be added to sauces, juices, smoothies, cakes or infusions. We can also make it into powder form for consumption, which is more convenient.

In short, there are many options for getting rid of sinusitis naturally, and they are very effective. However, if symptoms do not subside or even worsen, see your trusted doctor immediately.

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