Spanish influenza A causes emergency, 35% more patients than a year ago

Madrid, January 4 (EFE) – Acute respiratory infections, especially influenza A, are making a strong return to Spain, leading to a surge in the number of patients visiting emergency services, 35% more than a year ago and expected to will continue to rise until the third week of January.

Pascual Piñera, first vice-president of the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES), said pictures of such saturated emergencies emerged across Spain.

In an interview with EFE, Piñera emphasized that 10% of these patients were eventually admitted to the hospital, and the lack of beds became the primary problem facing the hospital. “They have no place to place the patients.”

“It is not a question of staff, although they must be updated, but of beds,” said the professional. He detailed the situation of these patients, “from young people with flu pathology to the emergency room because of health Not in good condition”. The center postponed appointments for people in their 80s who developed pneumonia from the flu, who ended up in hospital and some died. “

The union of red workers at the University Hospital of La Paz in Madrid, one of the largest in Spain, has also reported bed shortages, noting that this is not just due to influenza, which is a “well-known and predictable seasonal disease.” model”. ”, but due to “the general deterioration of Madrid’s public health system”.

The resumption of classes will usher in another peak of the epidemic

Piñera explained that “the consequences of the social interaction on Christmas Eve are now being felt, and in seven days the consequences of New Year’s Eve will be seen, while in the third week of January, the consequences of the Three Kings will appear The worst peak of the epidemic occurred due to the impact. “Holidays, return to school and university.”

However, this situation repeats itself every year. Francisco Sanz, a pulmonologist and secretary of the Infectious Area Executive Committee of the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (Separ), said that these epidemic peaks usually appear at the end of December and early January and last until mid-month. February.

It’s only during the pandemic that this has been interrupted, with quarantines and masks acting as barriers.

Sanz emphasized that an “important flu” is one that causes decompensation of underlying diseases, one that affects the elderly and those with risk factors, which is why it is important to insist on vaccination.

Flu vaccine less effective than COVID-19 vaccine

Regarding vaccines, the pulmonologist remembers that the vaccination campaign is not yet over and has not yet achieved the necessary goals of making the flu milder.

According to the Ministry of Health, the influenza and covid-19 vaccination coverage targets for the 2023-2024 season are 75% or more for the elderly, health and social care workers, and 75% or more for pregnant women and people with health conditions 60%. risk.

And the flu vaccine is not as effective as immunity against covid-19 and affects more people getting the disease, even if it is mild.Effie


(Archived resource at code 12833298)

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