Stick to your Covid-19 and flu vaccines

People who belong to high-risk groups must get a dose of the flu vaccine, and in the case of Covid-19, people who have received their last dose 6 months or more apart must attend the vaccination, regardless of how many applications they have.

The province’s Department of Public Health, through its Immunization Directorate, is reminding who should get the flu vaccine and the Covid-19 booster vaccine. Also, stick to the vaccination schedule: the vaccine is free and available at the health center where it was administered.

In the capital, flu shots are available at Primary Health Care Centers (Caps), Corrientes City Primary Care Units (Saps), and Angela I. de Llano and Juan Pablo II Pediatric Hospital vaccination center. At the same time, domestically, doses of different vaccinations are available.

Who should get the flu vaccine?

Health personnel, pregnant women: any time during pregnancy, postpartum women: within 10 days of postpartum, if not injected during pregnancy, children 6 to 24 months: two doses given at least 4 weeks apart, with 2 Children and adults aged up to 64 years: patients with respiratory diseases, heart diseases, congenital or acquired immune deficiencies, neoplastic blood diseases and transplantation; obese patients, diabetic patients and patients with chronic renal failure on dialysis: they must show proof Medical directives for the above conditions and patients over 65 years of age.

Who should get the Covid-19 vaccine booster?

Those whose last doses have been vaccinated 6 months or more apart must be vaccinated regardless of how many times they apply.


COVID-19 and anti-flu vaccines (for high-risk groups).

First dose, second dose, and booster dose.

Monday to Saturday from 8am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm at the Faculty of Medicine (entrance via Rivadavia).

Get regular COVID-19 and flu vaccines (for high-risk groups).

Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 12 noon and from 2 pm to 5 pm at the Hospital AI de Llano (near República Dominicana Street).

*Activity is subject to weather conditions

Bring your ID, vaccination card and medical instructions (if applicable) to attend (2 to 64 years old with at-risk medical conditions).

Vaccination wearing hat

Patterns will be initiated, completed and reinforced.

Monday to Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm and 2:00pm to 6:00pm

-CAPS No. 1 – San Jose.

-CAPS No.5- Dr. Montana.

-CAPS No. 9 – August 17.

If you are a minor, please be accompanied by an adult and be sure to bring your ID card and vaccination card.

It is worth mentioning that these activities in the interior are coordinated with local hospitals.

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