Stroke patients at higher risk of flu infection

he Ankylosing Can weaken the immune system and increase the body’s vulnerability to infections such as HIV. influenza. In fact, multiple studies suggest that patients who have experienced a stroke may be at higher risk of contracting the flu than healthy people. To this end, the Stroke Brake Foundation, endorsed by the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), supported by the SEN Research Group on Cerebrovascular Diseases (Geecv) and in collaboration with Sanofi, has developed informational materials to emphasize the importance of vaccination among this dangerous population.

Judging from the foundation, they remember Common respiratory problems For stroke patients, they can make it difficult to fight infection. Therefore, key recommendations include controlling risk factors, developing healthy lifestyle habits, hygiene measures and influenza vaccination. For the latter, experts insist the best prevention is vaccination.

The flu vaccine is safe and effective even in people who have had a stroke.Therefore, the World Health Organization recommends that all stroke patients, regardless of age, be vaccinated

In fact, the flu vaccine is safe and effective even in people who have had a stroke.To this end, the World Health Organization (WHO) and Spanish Neurological Society (SEN), annual vaccination is recommended for all stroke patients, regardless of age. For those who cannot be vaccinated, we urge additional measures such as frequent hand washing and avoiding contact with sick people.

In this sense, Ictus Brake underlines its activities Get vaccinated and avoid risks.It is based on a series of recommendations that will be presented through a set of visual resources, including five highlighted images Key aspects about the importance of vaccination. In addition, a sixth image is included for identifying stroke symptoms, and for a complete informative experience we have prepared a video that brings together and synthesizes all the information. These resources will be widely available through the Foundation’s various communication channels, reaching a wider audience and raising awareness.

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