Swine influenza and parvovirus, infectious diseases affecting pigs

exist There are more than 20 viral diseases that attack pigs, and Colombia is not immune. High standards of productivity and quality force the industry to have very good vaccination and prevention practices.

Therefore, at AN we bring you The six most common infectious diseases among pigs across the countryso that Recognize symptoms and take care of your farm’s health.

classical swine fever

It is easily transmitted from pig to pig through various routes including oral, nasal cavity, skin or semen. Once the animal acquires it, Infection of the tonsils in the mouth or nose, or involving lymph nodes in the vagina or skin. It can then appear in organs such as the spleen, kidneys, lungs and even bone marrow, causing bleeding.

Direct contact between infected animals or healthy animals in the acute phase is the most common form of transmission. Asymptomatic mothers may infect piglets or other adult animals.

porcine parvovirus

It mainly affects unvaccinated gilts.. The main consequences are reproductive problems, reduced litter size due to embryonic loss, increased piglet mortality, and increased mummification.

It is a drug-resistant virus that usually multiplies in the pig intestines and does not cause clinical symptoms. It is found all over the world. Therefore it is, Infections that must be lived with and learned to control.

Swine flu

Swine flu, also known as swine flu, is one of the most common respiratory diseases. It is caused by influenza A virus. After infection, it can lead to infertility due to fever. Symptoms include cough, pneumonia and high fever This may cause miscarriage in developing mothers.

It is spread by infected humans, pigs or other animals (such as birds), especially aquatic animals and animals. Rapid changes in temperature or pressure can exacerbate this condition.

porcine circovirus

A disease that has a significant economic impact on farms due to its aggressive nature and high mortality rate. It spreads through infected faeces, handling of objects and instruments on farms, and at high densities.

it behaves as Swollen lymph nodes, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and even sudden death. Another characteristic is the appearance of large, brown, greasy spots of varying sizes on the abdomen, thighs, and legs.

porcine leptospirosis

Reason one Bacteria that primarily attack the kidneys and genital area. The main consequence is reproductive problems.

The most common symptoms are Loss of appetite, depression, high fever, miscarriage and stillbirth. Transmission occurs through contamination from pigs, rats, dogs and other animals. Sources of contamination are irregular surfaces where water and urine accumulate.

Swine Salmonellosis

This is one of the bacterial diseases that most affects pig herds and can have serious consequences for people who eat infected pigs, as it can lead to poisoning.Symptoms are High temperature, depression, loss of appetite, respiratory congestion, and pneumonia.

reasons may be Poor hygiene, overcrowding, contaminated clothing and belongings and the mixing of animals and infectious diseases.


intradermal vaccination

MSD Salud Animal in Colombia is a leading company in the manufacturing of products in the agricultural sector and has developed Idal, a vaccination system for pigs, is administered intradermally and requires no needles.

This tool is designed to provide better protection for both the operator and the animal. Implementing a vaccination system in pigs is not only important to prevent the emergence of disease, but also supports the safety of the protein. A constant when performing this series of exercises is to subject the animal to high levels of stress. In addition to the risk of muscle tissue damage, the quality of the meat is also affected.

Before this panorama, Needle-free intradermal vaccination becomes an innovative tool for producers, helping to underpin the modernization of the industryprotect the health of animals and consumers. This vaccination system can inject low doses of fixed doses of vaccine into the dermis of pigs.

Use of ICA epidemiological sensors

The key to maintaining the health and sustainability of the country’s pork industry lies in the epidemiological sensors implemented by ICA and Porkcolombia. Collaboration between the public and private sectors is critical to the national swine fever eradication programme. Early warning, training of epidemiological sensors and coordination of actors can enable timely detection.

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