Symptoms, prevention and how colds affect us

Invasive pneumococcal disease: symptoms, prevention, and impact on colds

this Invasive pneumococcal disease is a serious infection caused by bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus). If we saw the name of this microorganism, we might think we were talking about pneumonia, but this pathology involves much more than that.


Pneumococcal infection can cause a variety of conditions. In addition to pneumonia, it can cause:

  • sinusitis

  • otitis media
  • meningitis
  • septicemia

  • arthritis
  • osteomyelitis

  • cellulitis
  • Endocarditis.

People most vulnerable to pneumococcal infection

According to experts, there are two groups of people most vulnerable to pneumococcal attacks:

  • children

  • elder.

More specifically, those most susceptible to bacterial infections are children under the age of 5, and especially those under the age of 2.

People over the age of 65 or those with medical conditions that predispose them to this bacteria are also very susceptible.

Symptoms and treatment of invasive pneumococcal disease

As we can see, Streptococcus pneumoniae It can cause a variety of conditions, such as:

  • The clinical manifestations of this pathology vary from fever and chills, cough, or dyspnea typical of pneumonia to confusion and increased heart rate caused by sepsis.

Therefore, diagnostic methods will vary depending on the type of infection causing the pneumococcal infection.

Most likely, in the case of meningitis or blood infection, analysis of cerebrospinal fluid or blood samples will be used.

When we talk about otitis media or sinusitis, experts may not perform such tests. Once the presence of bacteria is confirmed, treatment with antibiotics is initiated.

The best prevention is a vaccine

Currently, there are three types of vaccines against pneumococci: a polysaccharide vaccine against 23 bacterial serotypes (VNP23) and two conjugate vaccines against 10 serotypes (VNC10) and 13 serotypes (VNC13).

  • According to the Spanish vaccination schedule, the vaccine must be given to young children aged 2, 4 and 11 months and adults over 65 years old.

Invasive pneumococcal disease and vaccination

Pneumococcal disease is spread by coughing or sneezing from an infected person.

Therefore, preventive measures against Covid-19 have a profound impact on the spread of this bacteria. Restrictions and social distancing have led to reductions in invasive pneumococcal disease.

  • Against this background, experts emphasize the importance of prevention pneumococcal disease The current period is intrusive.

this Dr. Esther RedondoThe Section Chief of the Madrid Health International Health and Vaccine Center of the Madrid City Council stated:

  • “Although pneumococcal vaccination is not seasonal, a large proportion of high-risk groups will come into contact with the health system in the coming months, which will provide a unique opportunity to review and adjust vaccination plans.”

Additionally, the doctor continued, “We must capitalize on the current commitment and awareness of infectious disease prevention.”

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