“I am the captain” and the many worlds of Matteo Garrone

“I am the captain” and the many worlds of Matteo Garrone

Four years after Pinocchio, Matteo Garrone returns with a new film that has something of a fairy tale about it: Io Capitano follows the adventurous journey of Seydoux and Moussa, two young people who leave Dakar to reach Europe. A modern odyssey that takes them … Read more

Totoleone between the Poor, Dog Man, I am the Captain, Aeneas – Venice Cinema

Totoleone between the Poor, Dog Man, I am the Captain, Aeneas – Venice Cinema

Povere Creature!, Dogman, The Green Border and, for Italy, Io Capitano ed Enea. This could be the fifth possible TotoLeone of the 80th Venice Film Festival, which closes on Saturday. And all this with one important thing in mind: Damien Chazelle, born in 1985 and … Read more