Tarazona gastroenteritis cases hit 444, new measures to be implemented next week

Tarazona (Zaragoza), September 23 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The number of cases of gastroenteritis caused by the protozoan Cryptosporidium has risen to 444 in Tarazona. Therefore, a coordination meeting will be held this Monday in which public administrators involved in the management of the epidemic will participate in the design and launch of new measures.

The municipality of Turiazon contains the largest concentration of affected people, although cases have also been detected in the neighboring town of Novalas and water restrictions in the water network have been extended to Torreras and Los Fayos due to the detection of cysts The Ministry of Health reports that the protozoan was captured in a section of the Queels River.

The meeting will be held at 11:00 a.m. in the Town Hall of Tarazona and will be attended by José Luis Bancalero, Minister of Health of the Government of Aragon; Pedro Antonio Jarre, Mayor of Tarazona; Nuria Gayán, Director of Public Health; Aragon Luis Estaún, Director of the Water Institute; Enrique Novales, Technical Advisor to the Directorate General of Food Quality and Safety of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of Aragon; Carlos Arrazola, Water Commissioner of the Ebro Hydrological Federation and representatives of the National Guard.

As a precautionary measure, we have contacted the neighboring autonomous communities of Navarra and Castile and León. Additionally, research is ongoing to identify where and how water contamination occurs, as it has been a conduit for the spread of the disease.

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