Taylor Swift becomes a political influencer: thanks to her, 23% more voters will vote in the US elections in 2024

As we know, on the occasion of National Voter Registration Day, Taylor Swift encouraged fans to register on the Vote.org platform to express their preferences in the American presidential election, and it certainly seemed to hit the mark. In fact, the invitation was accepted by registration record traffic: 13 thousand new willing voters every half hour. “That’s a number Taylor would be proud of,” said Andrea Haley, CEO of the organization, which aims to get empowered Americans to the polls.

record numbers

In the United States, you must register to vote, and this is one of the reasons for low voter turnout. 35 thousand registered future voters Thanks to the push from Taylor, who won nine statuettes at the latest MTV Video Music Awards, they are 23% more than last year in the latest National Voter Registration Day campaign, which in turn was the highest total since the hotly contested 2020 election year, with 66% of those eligible to vote voting, a record since 1900. The increase among 18-year-olds has been staggering. : The number of newly registered was more than 115% compared to last year. Eight million young Americans will reach voting age in 2023, many of them among the 272 million who follow Taylor on Instagram. The singer said she became interested in politics during Trump’s presidency, a watershed moment that brought her closer to Democrats. Previously, he explained, he preferred to remain above the parties. The new result is the first after the summer collection of records: at the end of August, the singer became the first artist to reach one hundred million monthly streams on Spotify..


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