Teacher went to hospital with flu and lost limbs

High school teacher Sherri Moody, 51, made headlines after sharing her shocking story with the media. today. What started as a simple cold turned into a traumatic experience that changed his life forever.

After returning from a field trip in April 2023, Shirley began to experience some worrying symptoms, leading her to be hospitalized believing she had the flu.

However, doctors discovered that the situation was much more serious than she imagined. A severe strep infection led to double pneumonia and later septic shock, which threatened his life.

Teacher went to hospital with flu and lost limbsTeacher went to hospital with flu and lost limbs
Teacher Shirley Moody and her husband

Unfortunately, Shirley’s condition was further complicated by the arthritis medications she took. His body’s ability to fight infection was compromised, causing irreversible effects on his limbs.

how they saved the teacher

To save her life, the high school teacher had to be put into an induced coma, concentrating blood to her vital organs and sacrificing her limbs in the process. Shirley’s arms and legs turned black and she became a “mummy.” This forced doctors to make the painful decision to amputate his limbs below the elbows and knees.

Despite the shocking news, Shirley remains brave and determined to adapt to her new reality. With the unconditional support of her husband, David, who quit his job to care for her full time, the teacher began the difficult process of recovery.

Teacher went to hospital with flu and lost limbsTeacher went to hospital with flu and lost limbs
teacher and her students

In August 2023, just a few months after surgery, Shirley returned home and once again learned to live without her limbs. His story went viral on social media, inspiring thousands of people who admired his strength and determination.

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