the best ones to look at when you break up

After the end of a relationship, each person reacts in different ways, but the early days are almost certainly not a walk in the park for anyone. Especially if you have been left. There are many ways to find comfort and get over the breakup.

Take refuge for a few hours in the fiction of a novel or a film it can often help to free your head, at least temporarily, from the thoughts that inevitably torment you when you break up. The magical world of cinema also offers in this case a wide range of choices among various movie which can be suitable for broken hearts.

For those who want to laugh, for those who want to find a companion in misfortune in some imaginary character or even just for those who want an outlet, here is a list of movies for when you experience the end of a love affair.

10 perfect movies to watch after the end of a relationship

A broken heart can take some time to heal, but in the meantime the company of a few good movies always can help the spirit and sometimes even make us think and see our break from different perspectives, perhaps those of some character who has already found a way to overcome it.

The truth is he does not like you enough is the title of a 2009 film, but it could also be a repeating reminder to let go of a person who doesn’t really want us and therefore doesn’t deserve our time. This ensemble comedy deals with a series of sentimental situations that anyone could have found themselves in, and also dispenses some advice for learning to recognize true love.

(500) days together tells a love story seen from the eyes of a very romantic young man. However, falling in love with her is not really reciprocated and her ideas on relationships and love are very distant from those of her girlfriend. The break will lead him to disillusion himself, but also to take back his life and seek the best for himself.

I hate you, I leave you, you with Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn follows the turbulent breakup of a couple who continue to live in the same house. Between teasing and misunderstandings, the two will understand if it’s time to try again or separate permanently.

Story of a marriage is a 2019 film starring Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver. It follows the struggle for custody of the child of two parents who are divorcing, but who in the meantime retrace their love and what brought them to that point, trying to understand themselves and their partner better.

Bright side is a story of redemption, in which a former professor suffering from bipolar disorder does everything to get back on his feet after his wife’s betrayal that caused him to have a fit of rage. His every effort, after leaving the psychiatric institution, is aimed at finding the positive side in every situation in order to constantly improve himself.

If you leave me I delete you is a cult sentimental drama starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. With a touch of science fiction, the film tells of an experiment that leads to the erasure of memories of the loved one after separation. During the process, however, the protagonist comes to terms with his own feelings and anxieties.

Love doesn’t go on vacation is a brilliant comedy starring two women who take control of their own lives coming out of the wrong relationships they were in. The two strangers (Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet) decide to swap houses for a vacation, so as to get away from it all and look for themselves on the other side of the world.

Eat, pray, love tells the journey of Liz (Julia Roberts) between Italy, India and Bali. After a divorce and another unsatisfying story, the woman decides to leave everything and follow her passion for travel. In a year of traveling the world, Liz learns to love again and above all to love herself.

The hard truth is an irreverent comedy in which a cynical TV host, convinced that love does not exist, teaches his producer the tricks to conquer a man, all the result of lies and fiction. A look of disillusionment on relationships, which however capitulates in the end in an inevitable romanticism.

The saga of Bridget Jones it is the inevitable classic with which this list closes. The most famous desperate single in cinema tells of her vicissitudes as a thirty-year-old alone, but never truly resigned.

Read also: On Netflix there is a film about love and rebirth after divorce

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