The grief of Dwayne Johnson and Jason Momoa because of the fires in Maui and what to do about it

Jason Momoa Hawaii

Hundreds of victims of the disaster a fire broke out on the island of Maui, Hawaiithe worst in the history of the United States since at least 1918. A number that is sadly destined to rise, and a drama that has touched everyone from President Biden to the Pope, especially two characters who are very close to this archipelago: Dwayne Johnson and Jason Momoa. The two actors wanted to send a message of solidarity to “their islands” by inviting everyone – fans, followers and non-fans alike – to help by explaining what to do on their Instagram accounts.

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Samoan origin, but Hawaiian motherthe first is born in Honolulu second, two hours Hollywood stars they wanted to give a voice to local associations, to inform and give the necessary coordinates to all who wanted to send help. Above all Momoa, who republished photographs of the Āina Momona organization of the destruction inflicted on the cities and population of the island.

“The city of Lahaina is no more, – is read. – Families were forced to evacuate as soon as possible, many fled in the same clothes.”. It’s still: The fires prompted people to dive into the ocean to escape the flames and smoke.”. Both agree to the request don’t go to the place not even to help:

“Maui is no place to rest now– He wrote Momoa. – Our community needs time to heal, mourn and recover. This means that the fewer visitors on the island gobbling up vital resources, which have become extremely scarce, the better.”. Also posting the Maui Rescue Guide provided by @hipprogressiveaction. Hawaiian Alliance for Progressive Actionin the same time Johnson an invitation to donate to a non-profit organization Hawaiian Community Foundationpromising to update fans with “as much information as possible”.

In posts, along with photos and reviews, ActBlue Emergency Fundraiser for Maui Fire Department And Strong Maui Foundation from Hawaiian Community Foundation. As well as an invitation to subscribe to the account of the organization @kakoo_haleakala. Caco’o Haleakala, “on a mission to protect and conserve the Earth and native species of the Hawaiian Kingdom”.

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