the new guy is a multiple offender – delay

Britney Spears grew up with us, with everyone thrown into this world before puberty. We have seen live its beginning, first love (and its end), success, motherhood, crises and returns. There seems to be a slow decline lately. The most famous pop star in the world has turned into news, black and judicial. First, the struggle with his father for freedom, then a stormy divorce. Today, new alarm flame.

Britney Spears’ new boyfriend is a criminal

Those close to her said they were “very concerned.” An anonymous source told the American newspaper Page six that Britney Spears would be romantically involved with one Paul Richard Solise, a 37-year-old handyman hired by the singer to run the household and turned from hired worker to something more.

So far, nothing strange, although one would hope that Spears will need some time to come to her senses and recover from a forced divorce. What makes friends fear for the singer’s safety is the past of Soliz, a shadowy figure with a far from overt criminal record. The man was hired without a background check by the security service, so Britney doesn’t know what her handsome man is boasting about: conviction for disorderly conduct in 2014; prosecuted for danger to minors; conviction for driving without a license in 2016 and a suspended driving conviction the following year, finally conviction for possession of a firearm in 2022. “It could hurt her,” those close to her say worriedly.

A stormy divorce from her husband

“After 6 years of love and devotion to each other, my wife and I have decided to complete our journey together. We will keep love and respect for each other and I always wish her the best,” said Sam Asgari, the actor who has been Britney Spears’ husband for the past year and a half. However, the indiscretion that followed after the announcement of the breakup speaks of a relationship that is far from respectful and peaceful.

gossip headline .tmz extensionRecently, he spoke about the couple’s latest fight, so violent that Britney staggered and fell, hitting her head on the table and ending up in the hospital. And such episodes seem to have been the norm at home. Among the reasons for the divorce is also her obsession with knives, which she also kept in her bedroom for fear of outside intrusion (after all, her first husband is under arrest for breaking into her villa).

Spears is now off balance, irritable, short-tempered and paranoid. Her husband loved her, but could no longer withstand the constant physical attacks (so impulsive that it required the intervention of bodyguards again and again). He endured and suffered for a long time, trying to hide the bites and bruises under his eyes, in the hope, perhaps, that he would be able to defeat the demons of his wife. But love is not enough, and it cannot solve everything.

Of course, the company of a supposedly abusive man, and at least, judging by his track record, not so patient and level-headed, will not help an already hesitant Britney Spears.

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