The new role of the family doctor

of this activity 2023-2024 Influenza Vaccination This week begins on Monday, which includes a new risk group: smoker.This decision is in public health committee The epidemic in September will have the most direct impact on the entire society family doctor. They will be responsible for notifying patients who smoke so they can come forward for immunization.Autonomous regions consulted medical writing point out the doctor’s job primary health careand health service information campaigns will bear the burden of “attracting” the smoking population.

Not all regions will have specific communications campaigns to inform about this expansion Target population in influenza vaccination.Those that do, such as Catalonia or Andalusia, indicate that they will focus on Messages on social networks, media, posters in health centers. Even so, sources at the Ministry of Health said they did not expect the proportion of smokers to be vaccinated this time to be high as it would take “time” to “convince” the department of the need for vaccination.

Specifically, the Catalonia region has close 1.6 million smokersAccording to data processed by the Minister of Public Health.As specified, this represents Carmen Cabezasdepartment secretary, a 22% of Catalan society.They left despite the government not being optimistic they would all go to health centers to receive flu shots Catalan for beginners Some responsibilities for raising awareness tobacco users Benefits of Vaccination. Therefore, through the communication work of the department and the “persistence” of experts, Catalonia hopes that more smokers will choose to take the vaccine.

In Andalusia they have also chosen to give “power” to family doctors in this matter, because during the vaccination process deployed by the Andalusian Health Service (SAS) is an expert primary health care WHO recommends that smokers request individual vaccination appointments. This strategy is in line with that of Catalonia, although Aragon noted that the policies implemented are in the direction of requiring this population to be vaccinated.

They stressed that the Ministry of Health will develop measures to promote immunization, such as active recruitment campaigns to complement self-appointments, video broadcast for promoting immunization on social networks, and advertising campaign The Aragonese government promotes vaccination in the form of graphics and infographics. But apart from these three autonomous regions, no one in the rest of the regions questioned by this newspaper went further and chose to “download” the entire autonomous region. awareness work professionals at its health center.

CCAA guarantees family flu vaccination

Spanish regions that have not taken any special measures to attract the smoking population include the Autonomous Community of Madrid and the Principality of Asturias. None of them did “anything specific” Encourage flu vaccination Said consumers. Furthermore, in the Asturian case, sources from the Ministry of Health stressed that smokers themselves must call their health center to request a flu vaccine.Therefore, Salud and they hope that Familia will convince them to inject doses that will prevent Risk of having conditions and their respective complications.

Castile and Leon is another region with a completely trustworthy medical center Vaccinate smokers. “Obviously, there won’t be any special activities other than family doctors discussing the issue with smoking patients,” a source at the Ministry of Health told the newspaper.

Although it may contain statements, data, or notes from health agencies or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is compiled and prepared by journalists. Readers are advised to consult a healthcare professional with any health-related questions.

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