This is how the car that Brad Pitt will drive in his Formula 1 movie will look like. PHOTO

The actor took to the English track at Silverstone for the first filming of a new film directed by Joseph Kosinski. Top Shooter: Maverickdriving a real car, similar to a single-seat Formula 1 car, equipped with unique technology

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Thanks to Apexthe director’s new ambitious film Joseph KosinskyDirector Top Shooter: Maverick, oblivion AND Tron: Legacy, Brad Pitt will live the experience from real car driver. For filming set at England’s Silverstone circuit, where Formula 1 actually races on the weekends, the famous Hollywood actor will actually drive a car that looks like a real Formula 1 single seater, but equipped with special technology that will transport the viewer right into the cockpit. .

brad pitt car

Behind the wheel of a special single car, created in conjunction with Mercedes, will be American actor Brad Pitt. A particular car can fit around fifty cameras, including a special 6K micro camera that has never been used in such a small size in the film industry. The technological miniaturization of this unique camera will actually allow the viewer to get right into the cockpit with the pilot. During a keynote at the recent F1 Accelerate Summit in Miami, moderator Will Buxton revealed that “the team has created the smallest 6K moving camera ever designed to get a viewer into the cockpit.” And later he clarified: “That’s right. Brad Pitt driving an F1 car. However, as reported diversity, the star won’t compete against other drivers on the track, and the race car he drives will likely be a modified version of the junior F2 or F3 car. In order to learn how to drive such a special and complex vehicle, the American actor took the course for about three months, studying directly at the courses at Silverstone with an exceptional consultant: Lewis Hamilton, who is also the film’s producer. Hamilton’s role in the production is essentially important to suggest what might seem realistic and what might not.

This is how the car that Brad Pitt will drive in his Formula 1 movie will look like. PHOTO


Brad Pitt and the F1 Movie, Filming Garage at Silverstone

Film: all the details

The English track at Silverstone, the historic site of the British Grand Prix of Formula 1, has an additional garage: this is a filming box Apex, a new film starring Brad Pitt, who will play pilot Sonny Hayes. The project involves a British actor. Damson Idrisknown for his role in the television series Snowfall. Filmmaker still reeling from success Top Shooter: Maverick with Tom Cruise, claims an Oscar for the most realistic film in the history of racing: in order to make the work as realistic as possible, Joseph Kosinski also decided to shoot during some stages of the Formula 1 World Championship. will also contain real scenes taken directly from the races thanks to the cameras of the television stream and placed in the pit lanes, where, in fact, the fake wall of the track is now located. Apex. Produced by Apple Studios, Jerry Bruckheimer and Lewis Hamilton himself, filming officially begins this weekend at the British Grand Prix circuit. The release date of the project is not yet known, but most likely will be released in theaters from 2024 to 2025.

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