Those who can’t sleep thinking about it here: Could this be the reason?

You sleep comfortably on the couch, but do your eyes open wide when you get into bed? Can’t stop yourself from thinking when you go to bed?

NLP expert Burak Dalgul commented on those who have tried everything from counting lambs to using sleeping pills but failed. Dalgol stated that those who suffer from sleep problems begin to question their anxiety, worries and fears when they go to bed and that their insomnia is mostly caused by these reasons. He said: “The bed is the place where you go to sleep and rest, not a meeting room.”

Burak Dalgul said the following about this topic:

Your bed is not a conference room

People who complain of not being able to sleep or of insomnia never wonder why they cannot fall asleep easily. On the contrary, the only thing they think about is insomnia itself.

On the contrary, the first thing they will notice when they start wondering why they can’t sleep is; They will see the bed they sleep in as a place where they analyze all day. A bed is a place to rest and sleep. On the contrary, the bed is not a conference room where you can analyze the day by creating stories with your mind.

Don’t be a slave to your mind when going to bed

Do you think that a mind that talks non-stop during the day will be silent when it goes to bed? Of course he won’t shut up! So why do people’s minds talk nonstop, day and night, even in bed? Because people do not realize that the only true leader in their entire lives is the mentality they created without realizing it. When we ask a friend what they think about something, they always say, “As you want!” If yes, then the same applies to our relationship with our mind. All the people who can’t sleep easily are always thinking “As you want!” People who say. Unless people train their minds, their only master is their own mind. They live as slaves to their minds all day long, and the same process continues in bed.

Anxiety fears anxiety

The most important reason why the number of people who suffer from the problem of not being able to sleep has increased recently is that most people live in a state of worry, anxiety and fear in their minds all day long. But a person creates his anxiety, worries, and fears with his mind without realizing it because of questioning and lack of knowledge.

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