Kuş çarpan F-35’e ‘erken emeklilik’ vurdu

Gone Kore Hava F-35A Lightning II, published in 2022 by the mega critic, has been shot, exacerbating the problem.

The next day is full of energy (rokaf) and the result is the same time, until the end of 2022. demnndemn. Duyuroldo.

With the help of Lockheed Martin, you can view the F-35A’s management analysis and control of the Al-Duhail and 300-wheel navigation systems.

If you want to know what you’re talking about, you’ll always see what you said right away, so you can always remember what you’re talking about. The plan, Güney Kore Savunma Bakanlığı’nın onayı ile kesinleşecek.

Askeri Yetkiller gore; 40 F-35A aircraft were launched from South Korea, worth 110 million won against 140 million won (US$107.6 million) olarak tahmin edildi.

Goni Core F-35

This is the first time you can use it, so you can use it directly from your home.

2014 Yılında F-35A Lightning II flown by Güney Kore, launched after 40 years. ROKAF will be ready to receive the F-35A, which will be launched in 2018 and will be launched in 2019 from the construction site.

Savaş uçakları için in büyük teh like

If you want to know more about the language you want, you can also use it in other languages. Game dynamics can be seen in the old version. Uçakların tasarım faaliyetlerinde, kuş çarpmalarına karşı çeşitli önlemler etkili oluyor.

Halihazırda Akara’daki TUSAŞ thesislerinde bir adet “Kuş Carpması Test Tesisi” kurulduğu biliniyor. Uçağın ‘kapısı’ olarak nitelendirilen kanopinin, kuş çarpmalarına karşı dayanıklı yapıda olması gerekiyor. Milli Muharip Uçak KAAN’ın canopisini geliştiren Volo Compozit, bonu başardı.

Kinak: SavonmasanayiST.com

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