Tips for drying clothes at home without humidity issues

Whether it’s due to bad weather or there’s no other place to do it, if you must Hang laundry in the house You should know that this common practice can increase the humidity in your home. According to humidity expert and real estate expert Paul Gibbens, up to 30%,

“he The humidity at home is too high It can also have serious health consequences,” he said in the book irish examiner. This is especially problematic for people with respiratory conditions such as asthma.

This is an important aspect if you consider that in Spain more than half of the accommodation is affected by humidity. This, in turn, can attract unhappy mold tenants.

To avoid these problems and speed up the process, follow these expert tips Dry clothes quickly and efficiently indoors.

remove excess water

Once the cycle is complete, cleaning expert and best-selling author Lynsey Crombie recommends performing a Extra rinse cycle.

“This usually takes 10 minutes, but it will remove most of the excess water and speed up the drying time,” he explains in the book. woman and family.

Choose a good drying location

Avoid placing the clothesline in a room where you spend most of your time or in a room with poor ventilation.What to recommend Use airflow from windows to speed drying.

Another great option is the bathroom. If you don’t have a lot of space, Crombie recommends taking advantage of a shower bar.

this is also important Place the clothesline away from walls To prevent moisture from getting trapped in these things, point out woman and family Laundry expert Deyan Dimitrov, CEO of Laundryheap.

Create the warmest possible environment

Taking advantage of natural sunlight can help Dimitrov explained that dry and moist air. “Opening curtains and blinds during the day not only allows sunlight to absorb heat but also prevents moisture from being trapped around the windows.”

Don’t overload the clothesline

The normal approach is to do as much laundry as possible while the washing machine is running. But this is not enough. It neither guarantees the cleanliness of the washing machine nor the cleanness of the clothes, nor the normal drying of the clothes.

Placing too many loads on the clothesline can cause difficulty in air circulation In between these, therefore the humidity and drying time will increase.With this You can prevent your clothes from smelling musty.

Use a dehumidifier

Both Crombie and Gibbons recommend using a dehumidifier. “this will help dry clothes quickly by removing excess moisture from the air,” experts pointed out.

“Dehumidifiers reduce humidity by pulling air from a room, removing moisture, and then blowing warm, dry air back into the room,” Crombie attests.

It is important not to confuse them with humidifiers.

Change clothes position

In addition to not overloading your clothesline, experts recommend rotating clothes to “expose wet areas to the outside and increase airflow to aid the drying process.”

Just keep an eye on your clothes as they dry, looking for signs of remaining moisture, and move them accordingly to expose the patches to better airflow.

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