Toffee blonde copies Ilari Blasi’s fall hair color

Pe. Ilari Blasi is starting a new chapter in her life, and the new look shown at the Venice Film Festival also demonstrates this. Her hair color is ready to set a trend

iris blonde This is the ideal hair color for those nostalgic for summer and for those who enthusiastically welcome the beginning of autumn. Even Ilari Blasi chose him (successfully), who in80th Venice Film Festival he surprised everyone with a completely new look.

Iris blonde, discover the trend of the moment

Summer is over and your hair needs a refresh too. If you’re feeling vaguely melancholy, this is a classic comeback effect. September brings with it good resolutions, but also a lot of nostalgia. To re-energize your look and start anew, more energized than ever, it’s time to revolutionize your hair. There autumn trend This is a blonde toffee elegant and bold at the same time.

Very close to the nuance of a cafĂ© latte, Toffee Blonde is an unusual blonde, colder and richer. It is close to shades of brown and for this reason Very suitable for women with blond hair.ready to add extra boldness to your look, both blackberrieswho want to lighten their hair slightly. Having created perfect combination of light and darkThe toffee blonde is harmonious and chic, sweet and gentle. It doesn’t create too much contrast. AND natural effect guaranteed. Halfway between caramel and cauletta shades, you can opt for different shades: butterscotch blonde easily adaptable and is characterized – not surprisingly – by its versatility. You can customize it according to your tastes and features to get a unique and amazing result. Not only that: it can add volume to the thinnest hair and looks good on both short hair and longer hair. You can highlight this on straight hair, but it’s also perfect for wavy hair. If you’re ready to say goodbye to summer and welcome the start of the fall season, toffee blonde is for you. If you want Update your look and start over with additional gearthe fall trend is just what we need.

Even the stars can’t do without it

Even world stars cannot resist the charm of the toffee-colored blonde. He showed it with charm Jennifer Lopez and then Hailey Bieber, who successfully expressed his laid-back and sophisticated soul. Not only that: he also chose a toffee blonde. Ilari Blasi, who decided to add some zest to her image. Goodbye platinum blonde…

It is now known for sure that the Venice Film Festival is a riot of fashion and beauty, and not just a tribute to cinema. Not just mind-blowing dresses: even hairstyles are destined to leave a mark. Such is the case with Ilarie Blasi, who has remained faithful to blonde hair all her life, but now has decided to revolutionize her style. Iris blonde suits her incredibly well, with shades ranging from brown to caramel blonde. Will the new image of the former clerk really dictate fashion next fall?

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