Tom Brady pinpoints 1 key difference in ‘mediocre’ in NFL

Tom Brady caused a stir with his “mediocre” comments about the NFL. The former New England Patriots and Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback explained his comments on “Let’s Go!” Podcast on Monday 27th November.

“The pro game reflects the nature of the college game, rather than the college game reflecting the nature of the pro game,” Brady said. “We ask pros to play college football. That’s the biggest difference I see. Checkers is more important than chess. I try to play chess. “I want to always be three steps ahead of you. “

Brady, who played 23 seasons in the NFL, stressed that the game and coaching were not moving in the right direction.

“I think the point is, you want to see the sport continue to grow and develop,” Brady said. “That means better coaching, better quarterback play and better defensive plays. “I think a big difference is the lack of time the coaches have with the players, the time the coaches have together in the building, Many times people don’t understand the full picture. “

Tom Brady talks quarterback play in the NFL

Brady rightly highlighted quarterback play as a key area. He emphasized that quarterbacks “need to know what everyone is doing,” but that has regressed with coaches now “controlling the game on the sideline” more.

“When you’re trying to control the game from the sideline, you don’t have the answers to everything that happens on the field,” Brady said. “Ultimately, as a quarterback, I have everything we need to make a great game. … I have the ability to change the play and make us make a play that I think is going to be more successful.”

“I just don’t see that as much in the NFL,” Brady added. “People spend a lot less time on this. That’s the reality. When I started, we spent a lot of time on this. Over the years, I’ve developed a lot of these tools that allow us to perform at our best .”

For Tom Brady, it all starts at the line of scrimmage

Brady talked about how he changed the play at the line of scrimmage throughout his career and won seven Super Bowls. In today’s game, he didn’t see the quarterback’s adjustment until the ball was snapped.

“The more decisive you are as a quarterback, the better results you’re going to get, the better your process is going to be,” Brady said. “As a quarterback, you want to be really decisive. “You want to be really sure of what you’re doing. “

“But you need to figure out the game plan, the protections, who’s responsible for who on the blitz and where all the receivers are going to go. All of that takes time. “We’ve got to give these guys time to develop,” Brady continued.

I use past rival quarterbacks Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, and Philip Rivers as examples. Brady said mainly only Aaron Rodgers, Matthew Stafford and Patrick Mahomes adjusted well at the line of scrimmage today.

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