Tom Brady returns to New England and declares himself a ‘lifelong patriot’

tom brady He ran out of the tunnel again, just as he had done twenty years before. new england continue his legend Tampa Bay.

Sprinting onto the field with his famous sideline sprint, “Go out with…”“Who says you can’t go home” of Bon Jovi, Brady Give back new england On Sunday, he was honored with the team he coached in the greatest dynasty of the NBA era. super bowl of National Football League.

Tom Brady and Robert Kraft

Look at the six championship banners he helped fly, not to mention the one he won for the championship pirate, Brady He thanked his fans”Another day in this stadium that I will never forget“.

“Twenty-three years ago, no one would have imagined that this journey would lead us to where we are today,” said Brady, a little-known sixth-round pick who won three awards. MVP of National Football League and five MVPs super bowl when he leads new england Won 17 division titles in 19 seasons.

Brady leaves tunnel to pay tribute

“Our lives take us on different journeys. They took us to different places. They brought different people into our lives,” said Brady, who played the final three seasons in Tampa Bay before announcing his retirement last winter.. “But one thing I know for sure and will never change is that I am a lifelong patriot“.

With six trophies super bowl of patriots behind him, Brady He took to the pitch at half-time of the first game of the season against England. philadelphia eagles And thanked the fans, many of whom wore plastic ponchos over their team jerseys, who stayed in their seats in the pouring rain. Brady.

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Brady pays tribute to his acquaintance

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