Ultramarathoner Zakrzewski banned for one year after crash

this british athletics federation Has been suspended for one year Josiah ZakrzewskiThe Scottish athlete ran part of the ultramarathon in a vehicle before continuing on foot to the finish line, where he finished on the podium.

Zakrzewski admits he got into friend’s car during game GB Ultras Manchester to Liverpool on April 7, 2023, but claimed she only did so after telling bailiffs she was injured and no longer competing.

She has now been sanctioned and is not participating in any competitions sanctioned by the association U.K, She represented Great Britain, coached or managed for a year after it was found she had breached the UKA Senior Athlete Code of Conduct.

(Zakrzewski, the “idiot” who finished third in an ultramarathon for getting on a car)

In a written decision, the jury said Zakrzewski’s account was “contrary to the bailiff’s evidence, which the defendant made no attempt to challenge or challenge during cross-examination at the hearing.”

Joasia Zakrzewski argued that she got lost along the way and didn’t know which way to go, and her legs began to hurt, so she started limping. Her pain was so severe that at one point during the race, she saw a friend on the side of the road and agreed to a ride to the next checkpoint, telling the marshals she was about to retire.

reputational loss

Zakrzewski is a well-known runner in the ultramarathon field and has achieved important results. His efforts were not in vain. In the same year, he successfully broke the world record for 48-hour running. In these two days, he ran an incredible distance of 411 kilometers, with an average time of 7 minutes per kilometer.

The Scottish woman, 47, currently lives in Sydney, He is well-known in the sports world, although his image is not reflected well after this unsportsmanlike incident. She herself admitted her mistakes, publicly repented and apologized, but she did so after the fact, which didn’t convince everyone.

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