University of Chile clarifies concerns over measles cases, stresses importance of vaccination

Chilean University Experts Clarify Doubts About Measles Cases

Gabriel Cavada, an epidemiologist at the University of Chile’s School of Public Health, called for calm, assuring that “the Chilean population should remain calm because most are vaccinated against measles”. On the other hand, Claudia Cortés, an infection specialist in internal medicine at Casa de Bello, warns that those born between 1971 and 1981 receive an incomplete vaccination program and should be vaccinated if they travel abroad.

Metropolitan Area Health Authority Seremi confirmed this weekend A Imported measles cases. This is a 42-year-old man who had been to Armenia in July and is currently in home isolation and is in good health. For this, Epidemiologist at the School of Public Health, University of Chile, Gabriel Dig,make sure “Chileans should remain calm because most of them are vaccinated against measles.”

However, it warns that those born between 1971 and 1981 (like patients who were infected on arrival) received an incomplete vaccination schedule.Even so, the expert confirmed that “in Chile, measles is a disease that has been eradicated or is in the process of being eradicated, so one might think that herd immunity is effective.” Therefore, he believes that the registered measles cases “This is not a question that has the potential to lead to any sort of epidemic”Gabriel Kavada added.

What if I was born between the ages of 71 and 81?

this Infectologist at the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile, Claudia Cortezhe explained The measles vaccine in Chile is part of the national immunization program, which is mandatory for girls and boys and is given at 12 and 36 months of age.For this reason, experts have pointed out that People who were born between 1971 and 1981 and whose vaccination schedule is incomplete, it is necessary to receive this vaccine if they travel abroadbecause there is no local case inside.

According to Dr. Cortez, it is a highly contagious disease that spreads through the air. Symptoms are high fever, cough, red/watery eyes, rhinitis (watery mucus), and then blotchy skin. The incubation period ranges from 6 to 21 days, with an average of 13 to 14 days from exposure to a patient. However, he added that “Measles among diseases ‘almost’ eradicated Thanks to the high efficacy of the vaccineBut unfortunately, due to anti-vaccine groups and the decline in vaccinations during the pandemic, cases have re-emerged.”

Measles can be very serious, especially in babies who are not vaccinated or are too young to be vaccinated, this condition could develop into pneumonia or encephalitis,” the expert affirmed. The academic at the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Chile’s Faculty of Medicine also added, “It is also very serious for pregnant or unvaccinated mothers, Because it can be transmitted to the fetus. “

For these reasons, Experts stress importance of vaccinations People who received an incomplete vaccination program between 1971 and 1981 visited health services for measles vaccination, especially if they planned to travel abroad.

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