Unveiled the makeup for voluminous and big lips like Hailey Bieber

There had already been several hypotheses on TikTok, so as to make the Reverse contour technique viral. This until Mary Phillips, make up artist of trust of celebs like Hailey BieberKendall Jenner and Camila Morrone, has not decided to intervene personally, open an account on the platform and share the makeup techniques developed throughout his career. On his profile, in fact, there are already many i video tutorials which, starting from the first dedicated to its make-up base which reached 5 million views, quickly turned into a point of reference for users. The last one tutorials to do the web tour was dedicated to lip contouring, which made Justin’s wife’s lips famous.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Big and voluminous lips like Hailey Bieber with her MUA tricks

From tricks on how to get bigger lips there are plenty of them (the last one, ironically, comes directly from Selena Gomez and its MUA), but if the goal is to have them bouncy, soft and voluminous like Hailey Bieber, Mary Philips’s is the only tutorial worth turning to. The fundamental elements to replicate the trick are one pencil to define the lip contoura brush with which to blend the color and, finally, a lip tint with which to complete the make-up.

This content is imported from TikTok. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Once you have everything you need (here’s the lip combo Hailey uses on her lips), the next step is to practice, starting with the pencil. As Mary explains in her TikTok, this should be used starting from the outer corners of the mouth, creating a slight overlining just above the edge of the lips, to then make it more evident at the height of the cupid’s bow, to be joined by tracing its natural shape. After doing the same on the lower lip, the whole thing is blended with the brush to make sure that the contouring line is not excessively sharp or trodden. To eliminate any trace of smudging, Hailey’s MUA apply concealer just above the overlining and, finally, finish it off using a nude gloss with a shiny and juicy finish.

This content is imported from TikTok. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

The must-have products for voluminous lips like Hailey Bieber

Made to Last Definition Lips 100 Absolute Nude



€9.90 (30% off)

Smart Lip Brush 300 | Lip Brush

KIKO Milan


€7.99 (11% off)

Oh My Gloss! Plump Lip Gloss – 531 Peach Pie



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