Vaccination in Alicante | They call on people over 65 years old to get the pneumococcal vaccine in Alicante without an appointment and not to increase the dose

Health authorities begin vaccinating seniors over 65 against pneumococcal vaccine to protect them against pneumoniaRafa Ajones

thisMinistry of Health is Pneumococcal vaccination begins for people over 65 In the province of Alicante protect them from pneumonia, among other illnesses.This immunization is for people A barrier against the bacteria that cause pneumococcal disease, A severe bacterial infection Caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae.This bacterium can also cause pneumonia, meningitis or bloodstream infection (bacteremia).

Vaccination recommendations agreed upon Interregional Committee on National Health Systems, Composed of the Ministry of Health and autonomous regions, including Three doses of the conjugate vaccine at 2, 4 and 11 months (i.e. in the first year of life); and Vaccination Starting from the age of 65, Get one dose of 23-polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine(VNP23). The population of this age group in the province of Alicante exceeds 390,000. It also applies to risk groups.

The health department has issued a reminder to the public Once the respiratory infection epidemic that led to mandatory mask use in health and senior centers in January ends, they will be affected by vaccinations.has become a recommended action this week improve situation primary health careOh, in the hospitals.It was intentional Avoid hospital stress and hospitalization if an older adult becomes infected with pneumococcal disease.

The province of Alicante is the first in the province to launch this recruitment, is expected to spread to other health areas. So the over-65s are being called in via text message to put them on the vaccination agenda, after a massive call last Tuesday for people to get the pneumococcal vaccine without an appointment, leading to queues forming in front of some health centres. There was a long queue and could not meet such demand.

Missing dose

“At the health centres, they know nothing and have almost no vaccine stocks. Wednesday More than 150 people asked vaccine Same thing with Florida Health and Campomoreas well as other centers in the sector,” explained the son of a couple over this age after receiving the news.

Another woman from Alicante did not have an appointment after receiving a text message to go to the Benalua health center where more people were found in the same situation, so she went to the counter and was booked to return another day for vaccination vaccine.

According to various sources, Patients responded to the call to come and get vaccinated, “which surprised the health center. The dose ran out and the person mentioned had to leave. “Considering the complaints from professionals, in the end This will be done by appointment.from vaccine public health They assured the department already had enough doses and appointments were being processed as normal.


However, UGT will send Write to the department’s primary care medical council demanding an explanation of what happened pneumococcal vaccine twenty three, “Citizens were called up for vaccination on a large scale without prior notification to the health centers and their staff, and the centers did not have enough vaccines for all the patients who had been called, nor did they have reinforcements. Therefore. Patients say they are forced to ‘restrain’“.

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