Vatican suspends Pope Francis’ agenda again today as “mild flu symptoms persist”

“Mild flu symptoms persist and there is no fever. However, as a precaution, this morning’s hearing has been suspended.” In this way, Matteo Bruni, Director of the Holy See Press Office, informed accredited media today of the Pope’s side Francis’ health.

This Saturday morning, the Pope will receive the deacons of the Diocese of Rome.However, this meeting was The “caution” was because Jorge Mario Bergoglio had a “mild flu.”

Last week, the Pope conducted the spiritual exercises of Lent alone in Santa Marta – from February 18th to 23rd.As a result, all of Francis’ commitments have been suspended, including Wednesday’s general audience, so the pope is expected to attend this Saturday Continue with his agenda.

Yesterday, he appeared on the balcony of the Apostolic Palace to pray the Angelus. Thousands of believers had previously gathered in St. Peter’s Square, but today he rested again due to a doctor’s prescription.

The last flu was in November

The last flu Bergoglio experienced occurred at the end of November 2023. Despite having a CT scan at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome from day one, “Exclude the risk of pulmonary complications.” Finally, after several days of busy schedules, the situation became complicated and eventually led to bronchitis, which prevented him from leaving the residence for two weeks.

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