Víctor Fernández, historic activist leader and local basketball player dies

At 68, the political and sporting references of Villa Maria ceased to exist after suffering from double pneumonia.

In the early hours of Monday morning, a historical figure in local activism, a former player and former manager of the Armegino Club and the Villamarines Basketball Association died.

A few days ago it was in the news because it joined the Cambia Villa Maria political force, led by Braulio Sanotti and Guillermo Lorenzati, which will take part in the 10 The next municipal elections in Vila Maria will be held on 1st.

“Another valuable Villamariense joins the Cambia Villa María team,” a press release distributed to the media after the meeting between Villamariense and former PRO president Víctor Fernández, led by Zanotti and Lorenzatti, was headlined. .

“In a pleasant meeting, Fernández, a well-known athlete and basketball leader with a long history from Villa Mali, a member of the Florentino Armegino Club, and a member of the board of directors of Abasto Market, presented sports and basketball-related Suggestions and concerns. Social sphere,” the statement said.

Source: National Central Newspaper

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