VIDEO – Nathalie Saint-Criq meconezable: discover the journalist in her debuts

“You’re too much of a minion!” s’est exclamée l’ex-chroniqueuse d’He’s not on the couch à la luxe de la distribution of extracts. The images in question are of the author of the toute jeune editorial, demonstrating the need for objectivity in journalism. The public may notice, déjà à l’époque, a certain charisma of the era of Patrice Duhamel. Presented as “queen of French editorials” For an artist, a writer is the highest income Age of Sante de Pierre Ardititenant to reassure the public before the presentation of his book.

The story you find here matches the title you requested. L’Ombre d’un traître. Humorously, journalistic politics is income. “The era is changing here”noting real political discourses, devant lesquels elle aurait tendencies à s’assoupir. “Il y avait du souffle (sous-entendu, avant, ndlr)”Leah Salama, faced with a question about the place of Raphael’s son in the writing of his novel. “C’est vrai que c’est one of your sonsRafael, can you write here, can you help me?” – Raphael Glucksmann’s companion asked. The main interest lies in writing a novel, among the advice of film writers to convey the main thing and decoupage, possibly to create a series of films.

PHOTO >> Jean-Pierre Elkabbah: Léa Salame and Emmanuel Macron meet here to pay their respects.

A pro-Chain novel adapted for television?

Indeed, the current editor’s previous novel has been adapted to fit the fine print. “Moi, je vais pas aulit en me disant: “Oh la la, je vais encore me Taper ce livre, j’ai pas envie d’y aller””at the end of a conversation with Leah Salame, the Empress of Exclamation Marks: “Non, ce n’est pas ce qu’on se dit avec votre livre, Nathalie, I assure you.”curse éclat de rire. Before you ask the fatal question, “Would you like to see Nathalie Saint-Criq in all her debuts?”and also launch the famous videos where you can see a journalist with brown bangs and sun rays on his head, discussing the need for objectivity in political journalism.

This article was written in collaboration with 6 Media.

Credit photos: Capture d’écran France 2

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