Viral hepatitis prevention campaign in prisons

The Maternity Hospital and the Hospital Foundation launched an inter-agency activity in the prison sector. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the prevention of viral hepatitis through the availability of tests that are fast, safe and detect viral hepatitis. Top secret.

Viral hepatitis prevention campaign in prisons

The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Justice, Lucas Casas, the Director of the Prison Administration, Ms. Analia Tello, the Executive Director of the Maternal and Child Hospital, Dr. Viviana Perez, the President of the La Rioja Hospital Foundation, Ms. Analia Tello, President of the La Rioja Hospital Foundation. Gustavo Núñez is hepatologists Dr. Lucrecia Rovey and Dr. Maricel Turra.

In this regard, the director of the Madre and El Hospital thanked the Prison Service and the Attorney General for their willingness to make us a healthier community, adding: “From the Madre and El Hospital, we have the possibility to cooperate with the Provincial Prison Service and the Ministry of Justice, among others. Other agencies have campaigned to urge those in charge of the SPP to do well in their exams and have a better quality of life, and our idea is ambitious to start a prevention campaign for prisoners in prisons.”

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