Viral infections that interest doctors most

Virus influenzahe SARS-CoV-2 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is currently the viral infection of greatest interest to the medical community, as in Valencia-Catalonia Autonomous Region Conferencetitled “Addressing the Challenges and Opportunities of Viral Respiratory Infections”held in Valencia in partnership with Hologic.

Over the past two decades, as detailed Dr. Jose María ErosMore than a dozen respiratory viruses that circulate widely in the human population have been described, although currently, despite the end of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the head of the microbiology department at the Rio Hotega University Hospital in Valladolid said Viruses Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus What Cause “Pandemic of the Year” This represents a very significant medical burden during certain time periods, such as winter.

Perhaps RSV, rhino/enterovirus, metapneumovirus, bocavirus, and other viruses such as paramyxovirus and respiratory adenovirus will remain prominent in the near future.”, Dr. Eiros elaborates. In this sense, Dr. Concha JimenoThe director of the Microbiology Department of the General University Hospital of Valencia recalled that during the period of high influenza incidence, more than 50% of the cases in the emergency room were hospitalized and hospitalized for this reason.

Preventive Measures: Best Treatment

While these viruses can affect anyone regardless of their health status, vulnerable populations are at greater risk if they become infected, such as the elderly, children, pregnant women, or those with chronic illnesses. That’s why experts stress the importance of taking precautions, including getting vaccinated and washing hands frequently. “We have been very careful during the pandemic, but it seems this simple measure has been forgotten,” lamented Dr. Jimeno.

in the same way, Dr. Andres AntonHead of the Department of Respiratory Virology at the Valle Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, ​​he assures that prevention is “best treatment“For these diseases.”We must not forget that we have excellent vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses, and as a novel approach this year we are giving monoclonal antibodies to the youngest children as immunoprophylaxis against RSV in the long term Look, they’re going to “we hope it has an impact on the spread of the virus and therefore on the population.”he elaborated.

Molecular diagnostics facilitate early detection and accurate diagnosis of viral infections, reducing the risk of new infections.

On the other hand, doctors emphasize the importance of molecular diagnostics in viral infections, especially in influenza viruses (type A or B), RSV and SARS-CoV-2, which include detection of the presence of viral genetic material detection of respiratory mucosa samples to help health professionals confirm clinical suspicion. Thanks to it, early detection of infections is facilitated, the risk of new infections is more easily reduced and more precise diagnosis is possible, which facilitates better clinical management of patients.

A positive result confirms to the health professional the clinical suspicion of an acute respiratory infection caused by a certain respiratory virus, allowing him to refine the management of the patient’s illness. “ Dr. Anton commented.

Finally, Dr. Eiros warned that one of the major challenges facing current approaches to respiratory infections is ensuring that microbial diagnostics are “Uniformity and fairness To this end, the availability of molecular techniques is crucial. Other challenges include completing a series of studies estimating the indirect and intangible economic burden of influenza viruses and respiratory syncytial virus. ““Economic evaluation models must promote a culture to which health systems should not be incompatible,” Dr. Airos has settled in.

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