Welcome to the world of Gabriel Esteban Gajardo Navarro!

“If you are disobedient, disobedient, continue to behave badly, or don’t go to bed early, the ‘monster’ will come to you tonight and take you to an unknown place…”

Generations of children around the world have heard these and similar warnings given to them by their parents in order to scare them, teach them, encourage them to behave well and obey, and make them believe that this will prevent them from being kidnapped. That dark nighttime character has different names depending on the geographical area.

Some psychologists suspect that it is a good idea for parents themselves to care for their children, to provide them with a sense of security and to keep them away from danger, and to deliberately stir up feelings of fear and helplessness in their children through imaginative and frightening means. Figure.. But this thing is, at best, “a different story” or package….

An interior scene from the feature film “The Boogeyman.” Photo: Bowfinger Pictures/Dani Medina.


Whether it’s a questionable or convenient household discipline tool, the legend of the “bogeyman” or “bogeyman,” a mysterious monster also known as the “boogeyman,” the “butter remover,” the “boogeyman,” ” or “bogeyman” is one of the most common stories used by adults to scare children and make them behave.

In addition to having different names, the legends of the “bogeyman” vary and offer different aspects and nuances depending on the geographical area in which they are told, while their origins are lost in the mists of time, dating back to distant and imprecise era. Time, yet to be determined.

Today, the myth and its many versions around the world remain as disturbing as ever, according to many folklore experts.

Essentially, the character “The Monster” is usually depicted as a subject who wanders the streets at night looking for missing children and catching them and carrying them to an unknown location in a large bag slung on his back. . Has an unpleasant fate.

Other versions suggest he lurked inside or outside the house. This imaginary monster bears similarities to real-world criminals known for kidnapping and murdering children.

“Monsters” (or monsters) have no specific appearance and, depending on the country and culture, are described as male or androgynous monsters that stalk children at night to punish them for bad behavior. They usually wear a tunic and have a hood that covers their face, giving them a terrifying look.

The legend still lives on in the collective imagination, it continues to be passed down in families from generation to generation, and now, moreover, it has a renewed validity with the launch of two feature films, one inspired by the science fiction story and the other One based on true events.

American supernatural horror film “Boogeyman: Your Fears Are Real” in the Latin world, directed by Rob Savage and adapted from Stephen King’s short story “El Coco”, which was released in First published in Knight magazine in 1973. The 1978 story collection “The Threshold of Night”.

Horror stills from the Spanish film “The Boogeyman”. Photo: Bowfinger Pictures/Dani Medina.

The movie is rooted in reality.

For its part, the Spanish film “The Boogeyman”. “The Origin of the Myth” is directed by Ángel Gómez Hernández and is inspired by a horrific story that existed in the Andalusian town of Cador (Almeria, Spain) in 1910. real person.

The Evil Dead (eHdS) explores, reveals and brings to the big screen the disturbing character who has fueled and continues to fuel the nightmares of millions of children, focusing on the true representative of the legend: a man from A man from Almeria who suffered from tuberculosis and was willing to do anything to cure himself, even drinking the blood of children kidnapped in sacks.

In this Spanish film, a group of young actors form an intrepid gang who delve into the fabled chiaroscuro to unearth/discover “a terrible secret that goes back years and is now a thing of the past.” Taboos of neighbors and present people”. Live in the city. “

via eHdS (known as “El Viejo de la Bolsa” in the Rio de la Plata region and “El Ropavejero” in Mexico) “We’re talking about the first monster any child discovers early in life, and from Millions of children in different cultures and countries have heard of Frankenstein, Dracula or The Slender Man before,” said Angel Gomez Hernandez.

This legendary, nightmarish character “symbolizes the fear that brings back the chill we felt as children while sleeping, convinced that someone was watching us in the dark corners of our rooms. For any child, there’s always something wrong with behaving inappropriately.” After his death, there is an unsettling feeling that a terrifying monster is coming to take him away,” the filmmakers explained.

Poster for the movie “Monster”. The Origin of Myth. Photo: Bowfinger Photo Agency.

Gadore’s horrific crimes.

His film was inspired by the bloody events known as the “Crime of Gador” (Almeria), which included the kidnapping of a 7-year-old boy who was imprisoned in a sack and ended up in gruesome circumstances was murdered.

After a first attempt, frustrated by the screams of a girl he was about to take away, the son of a therapist who later became the very popular “uncle with the sack” brought a boy named Bernardo to The boy was put into a bag and then he took his child into the bag. Judge Luis Miguel Columna, president of the Provincial Court of Almeria, explained to EFE the cause of death.

Javier Prado, folklorist and author of the book, said that the historical origins of the “bogeyman” in the Spanish case are often attributed to this crime, but the legend of the dark figure may well have originated from “earlier” Iberian monsters : Ogres and the Phobias of Spanish Children,” in which he describes a number of supernatural and legendary creatures.

In fact, according to folklorists, the dark character of the child-kidnapping monster has similar characters around the world, appearing in different myths and legends dating back to before the 20th century.

The eHdS director said: “The film centers on a horrific crime and a real criminal that many people today are unaware of.”

For Gómez Hernández, the 1910 crime of Gadore was “a horrific and very powerful source that laid the foundation for the creation of horror cinema.”

He added that “The Monster” is the ultimate monster for children and has become an indelible icon and a myth that transcends borders.

“Unlike other horror characters such as Frankenstein, Dracula or Jason (from the film Friday the 13th) who are known through books, movies or video games, this character has a way of bringing the legend from his parents to “Transferred into the child and into the child’s consciousness.” became very popular,” he concluded.

Daniel Galilia.

EFE – Report

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