What can I do to reduce my electricity bill?The secret to saving half your money

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If received every two months Light This is very costly for you, it’s time to find out what you’re doing wrong so it can be fixed asap; for these cases save It’s important at home that we have a trick This will help you reduce your electricity bill every two months. That way, you don’t have to pay more than you have in your account, or get into debt because you can’t pay the specified amount. Remember this tip to save up to half your money!

this Light It’s an essential service in the home: we can hardly do anything without it, so it’s important not to lose it for arrears.Although prices are indeed high, as consumers we can take steps to reduce costs so that let’s save Money, we don’t have to suffer every time our electricity bill arrives. According to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), the basic electricity consumption for the first 175 kWh is 0.711 pesos.

The amount you pay on your bill is related to the energy consumption you generate in your home, that is, for example, you may have noticed an increase in your energy consumption in recent months due to the heat of recent weeks, using your air conditioner, or, the price has increased Is because you work from home for several hours a day and need to connect your computer and mobile devices to a power source.

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Because of this, we share the following Skill this will help you save Save up to half your money.We scour CFE’s data to give you the best tips to get in the next month Light Get cheaper and help your economy.

Here’s the Easiest Way to Cut Your Electric Bill Every Two Months

According to CFE, saving energy means using energy in an optimal way, that is, using the same or less amount to achieve the same result. This can be achieved by changing habits and using more effective techniques.one of the effective techniques save Up to half of the money and used to receive Light The cheap way to replace incandescent bulbs with CFLs or LED bulbs is the first super trick that works.

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Another tip that can help reduce your electricity bill is to disconnect appliances such as TVs, Blu-ray players, DVD players or computers when they are not in use. For users working from home, it is recommended to turn on energy saving mode, reduce the brightness, and open tabs at the same time; similarly, they recommend that you turn off the monitor when you are not using it.

other tricks save money, pay less than Light And the receipts for half price are:

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– Laundry often, i.e. accumulating as much as possible so that you don’t use the washing machine as often.

– Use the phone’s original charger and disconnect it immediately when the power is 100%.

– Disconnect your video game console and keep it updated.

– Place the refrigerator 10 cm from the wall so that there is good ventilation and the unit does not overwork.

-When putting food in the microwave, make sure to cut it into pieces so it heats up faster.

put these into practice Skill and check the result on your next receipt Light.

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