What is it and how should it be eaten?

In the ongoing search for natural alternatives to improve health and well-being, Marshmallow infusions are popular As a comfort option with potential benefits for the body.

Native to Europe, known by its scientific name ‘Marshmallow’the plant has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties.

(Also read: What Culture Invented Marshmallow?).

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According to the portal “Green Ecology”, A standout quality of Marshmallow is its rich slime concentrationa sticky substance found mainly in its roots but also in its flowers.

However, the plant also contains other active elements such as essential oils, asparagine, pectin, phytosterols, and enzymes that have long been exploited by humans for their benefits.

(Keep reading: Marshmallows, other names for this fluffy candy.)

Medicinal properties of marshmallows

According to “Cuerpomente” magazine, The biggest advantage of marshmallow is its ability to protect and repair the respiratory and digestive mucous membranes. However, below we describe other medicinal properties that this plant contains:

1. Anti-phlegm and anti-inflammatory effects:

this plant Has significant expectorant and anti-inflammatory propertieswhich makes it an option for relieving coughs and clearing the airways in conditions such as colds, flu, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, and even as support in asthma cases.

2. Digestive benefits and mucosal repair:

Marshmallow Demonstrated efficacy against digestive disorders By providing benefits that can counteract excess acidity and regenerate potentially damaged intestinal mucosa. It is recommended for relief from conditions such as gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer, colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

3. Mild in nature, occasionally has a laxative effect:

Expert observation found that marshmallow Has a mild laxative effect But it is effective for occasional constipation and can relieve difficult bowel movements.

4. Topical application: skin care and pain relief:

In addition to its internal use, Marshmallows are good for the skin, too. Its topical application can help protect it and is useful in the case of bruises, abscesses, and burns. Additionally, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it has been shown to be effective in reducing pain from sprains, tendonitis, and other injuries.

(Fun fact: What the hell are marshmallows made of? Explore their ingredients).

Marshmallow Infusion: How Should It Be Consumed?

Marshmallow infusion is traditionally obtained from the dried and crushed roots of the plant. Here’s an easy way to prepare it:

raw material:

– 1 teaspoon of dried marshmallow root.

– a cup of hot water


1. Boil a cup of water and add dry marshmallow roots.

2. Let stand for 10-15 minutes.

3. Filter the infusion to remove residue from the roots.

4. You can sweeten it with honey if you like.

It is also available in concentrated form in some stores. In this case, simply add a few drops of the concentrate to a glass of water for ingestion.

Side Effects and Contraindications

According to the journal CuerpoMente, side effects of marshmallows are rare. However, It is recommended to start with a small dose If there are no adverse reactions, then increase gradually. In dermal application, may cause irritation in some cases.

Regarding its contraindications, it is recommended to consider the following:

– Take the marshmallow at least two hours before or two hours after taking your medicine.

– Marshmallows are not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding without consulting a physician.

– Diabetics should avoid it because marshmallow root can help lower blood sugar levels, so taking it with diabetes medications may cause blood sugar levels to drop too low.

Marshmallow infusion offers a natural alternative to relieve respiratory irritation and digestive issues thanks to its emollient and anti-inflammatory properties.

However, This option must be approached with information and seeking guidance from a health professional Before making it routine, especially in specific medical situations. Informed intake is essential when it comes to natural health care.

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Maria Camilla Salas V

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