What should you consider when choosing a plastic surgeon?suggestion

Cosmetic surgery is becoming more and more common. Many women and men seek advice from experts to improve their body image. The availability of information on the Internet allows people to research and educate themselves about beauty procedures. This creates greater awareness of the options available and the potential benefits.

(Keep reading: Plastic Surgery: How to Choose a Plastic Surgeon You Can Trust?)

Recently, the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) released the results of its annual global aesthetic/plastic surgery survey. The report shows that Colombia is not only one of the 10 countries in the world that performs the most such surgeries, but the total number has increased by 31% compared with 2021.

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The survey showed that in 2022, 732,783 cosmetic surgeries were performed in Colombia. Of these, 466,453 were treated surgically and 266,330 were treated nonsurgically.

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The most common procedures were liposuction (79,708), breast augmentation (63,204) and buttock surgery (55,667), abdominoplasty (41,087) and breast lift (33,028).

The list of the most performed non-surgical procedures in 2022 includes

Application of botulinum toxin (96,368) and hyaluronic acid (71,734) reduced

Cellulite treatment (33,445), skin tightening (19,162) and cellulite treatment (14,323).

As the growth of plastic surgery in the country is accelerating, EL TIEMPO spoke with María Isabel Cadena, president of the Colombian Society of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, who offers some advice when choosing a plastic surgeon.

“First, the patient must decide which type of surgery he wants to have and find his surgeon. I will talk about the members of the Colombian Society of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, a scientific association in which doctors voluntarily perform surgeries. One A process to enter by showing all your diplomas, certificates and following a very detailed or strict process. So the patient can go to one of these plastic surgeons, but it is important to say that there are other surgeons in Colombia who can volunteer Deciding not to enter our organization, in this case the patient must search the Health Talent Register, where they can confirm whether the plastic surgeon has the necessary certifications,” he assures.

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Experts also explain that it is important to consider where these surgeries are performed. “In Colombia, a clinic must have a qualifying star rating, which is given by the municipal or departmental secretariat of health according to each region, and this star rating must indicate that it is authorized to perform such procedures. This is even more important. “This is very Difficulties, especially for foreign patients. So we always try to explain to them that they check whether the clinic or hospital has a license to perform the surgery,” he explained.

Remember, work ethics are very important, so you should remember that in addition to what you want, you should also take medical advice on what is best based on each person’s health situation. Consultation is essential because then you will be able to ask about the elements of the surgical intervention that will be used on your body.

Again, you must understand that nothing will happen overnight, so it is important to undergo a series of physical exams and visit other professionals before having surgery so that you know where you stand. Healthy and not taking risks during surgery.

It is important to address all your concerns before undergoing surgery and not to undergo surgical intervention until you are completely confident as your life will be in the hands of another person. Be clear about what materials will be used on your body that will not invade or cause subsequent damage.

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Remember, your doctor must also keep a close eye on you during the recovery process, as it is crucial to stay healthy over the next few weeks in order to achieve the desired results.

Message from Daniela González**

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