What’s the secret to radiant skin?

Puberty is a time of change, emotion and, without a doubt, a time when skin care evolves. As hormones increase and the body changes, a teen’s dermis undergoes the following changes: Acne, excess oil Even dry. However, with the right guidance, your child can establish a beauty routine that will give her healthy, radiant skin.

1. Cleaning, the first step: Cleansing is essential in any facial care routine, but it’s even more important for teenagers. It’s important to find a gentle cleanser that won’t alter your skin’s natural pH and will help remove impurities and makeup residue without leaving a tight feeling.

2. Hydrate according to skin type: According to information gathered by Elle, choosing a moisturizer that’s right for your teen’s skin type is crucial. Oily skin will benefit from the lightweight, non-comedogenic formula, while dry skin will need a more nourishing cream. It is wrong to say that oily skin does not need moisturizing. You just need to find the right product.

3. Don’t underestimate the power of sunscreen: From a young age, it is necessary to understand the importance of protecting your skin from harmful UV rays. This prevents premature aging and reduces the risk of skin diseases. Therefore, applying sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days, is a habit your daughter should develop.

4. Simplicity is key: In an age where social media promotes beauty routines with dozens of steps, it’s necessary to teach teenage girls that less is more. A basic but consistent daily care routine may be more beneficial than using multiple products to plump up your skin.

5. See a dermatologist: If your daughter is experiencing ongoing skin problems, such as severe acne, it is recommended to seek the advice of a dermatologist. This professional can provide specialized solutions and treatments, avoiding self-prescriptions that can worsen the problem.

6. Encourage self-acceptance: Beauty goes beyond skin. As a mother or parent, it’s important to teach your daughter to accept and love her skin, regardless of its strengths and weaknesses. Self-esteem is a powerful tool that affects your emotional and physical health.

CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion is a product that guarantees radiant, anti-aging skin for only €9.99.In short, teenage skin requires special care, but with the right advice and A dose of self-love, your daughter can go through this stage with confidence and ease. True beauty comes from a combination of external care and internal health. Remember, the best advice is to lead by example, so take care of your skin and your daughter will follow in your footsteps.

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