When is the national airline strike in 2023?They prepare to hold protests on the country’s highways, demanding safety

When is the national airline strike in 2023? The Mexican Alliance of Operators Organizations (Amotac) is in preparation Protests and closures of the country’s major highways ask for more Safety.

In a statement addressed to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the National Guard, and state and municipal authorities, the coalition reported, next Tuesday, August 29 They are going on a nationwide strike due to unresponsiveness to their demands on the problems facing the operators.

The protest, called “National Peaceful Demonstration and Mobilization in Amotak”, will take place on major highways in 32 states of the country, and their demands include all forms of transport: goods, coaches and passengers.

“Mexican traffic has been completely forgotten by our government,” they said.

to be reported by the organization the road they will hold demonstrations and will be affected accordingly.

Airlines announce nationwide strike for 2023
Amotac’s press conference on the 2023 national airline strike. Photo: Special

When, when, and what are the demands of the national strike on aircraft carriers?

At the press conference, Valentín Romero Trujillo National MP Amotak explained Nationwide Airline Strike in 2023 will be held on August 29, one day after returning to school, from 8:00 am.

“This peaceful demonstration will begin at 8:00 AM in all 32 states of the country, and if we don’t find dialogue and the intent of the authorities to actually address our needs, we’ll begin a slow march to Zocalo at CDMX, our unit,” they explained.

The main demands of operators are as follows:

  • road safety
  • Materials submitted by the Ministry of Transport
  • official operating rate
  • Bi-articulated vehicles prohibited
  • stop abuse and blackmail
  • Reduce toll road costs
  • DOT approves highway reclassification
  • Not paying for municipal permits

According to the alliance, the current the way They lack National Guard surveillance: “We are attacked, robbed and murdered in prisons every day” operator For users who are driving on the road without a security order, the security ordered to take the necessary actions to stop this situation.”

Freight and tourist vehicles are required to be parked; on double articulated they are asking for a ban because they have “caused thousands of deaths” due to accidents.

The operator noted that state and city police are responsible for abuse and blackmail Tolls are exorbitant and roads are poorly maintained.

Carriers declare strike in 2023
Amotac statement on national airline strike in 2023. Photo: Amotac

Finally, the Amotac Committee regrets the inconvenience and traffic caused National airline strike in 2023 But “due to a lack of interest in the industry, our rulers have forced us to take these actions.”

Carriers recalled that they delivered the cargo that the industry needed to grow, the bazookas, they created jobs and had a major economic spillover effect on the country.

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