Why do doctors recommend sleeping to fight the flu? – healthy

Influenza is considered the most commonly circulating virus. During certain seasons it activates more often, and while we’ve all suffered from it, it’s not usually a reason for intensive healing or specialized assistance.

Generally, conditions of this nature are considered mild and resolve within a few days, but home remedies are often used to treat symptoms such as nasal congestion, headaches, dehydration, and fatigue.

Read here: (Do you have the flu? Don’t be fooled by these myths about colds and how to treat them)

Among these recommendations, the Mayo Clinic mentions juices, soups, and warm water as fluids to seek out for sustained hydration.

They add a saltwater gargle to combat sore throats: “A saltwater gargle (1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt dissolved in 8 ounces of warm water) may temporarily relieve a sore or irritated throat.”, details.

Likewise, he says trying ice chips or hard candies can ease the so-called “irritability” that occurs in the throat.

on the same line Infusions of various botanicals or over-the-counter medications Pain medication is given to reduce discomfort. Of course, keep in mind that you should never self-medicate or give medication to children without a doctor’s advice.

Also: (Home Remedies for the Flu: Here’s What Experts Recommend)

The problem with this viral infection is that there are no drugs to treat it, rather antibodies are responsible for fighting it.

The advice for treating the flu repeated by several experts is to sleep, Because rest is essential for the immune system to work properly.

Researchers at the University of Washington-Spokane in the US found a direct relationship between sleep and viruses that also enter the brain.

That’s because one of the main proteins neurons need to fight viruses is only produced when a person is sleeping, So sleep is therapeutic when you have the flu.

In a study of mice conducted by the same expert, those who didn’t sleep were likely to develop more severe symptoms.

Read on: (Government calls for prevention of flu and other acute respiratory infections)

For its part, the Dólex brand, one of the most widely used medications for reducing symptoms, explained in an article, “Studies have shown that getting about eight hours of sleep can reduce the chance of catching a cold.”

They cite a study in which people who slept less than seven hours were nearly three times more likely to get sick than those who slept eight or more hours.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for the common cold. Some advice may be helpful but usually not harmful, How to get enough vitamins C and D.

If your condition worsens, you must undergo medical examination.

Laura Alejandra Albarracin Restrepo
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