Why Musk wants to turn Twitter into a super app

The first 10 days of Elon Musk at the helm Twitter they made subscribers forget about many of the old problems of the microblogging site. After laying off half of the approximately 3,700 employees Twitter, by leaving the top executives of the company at home “for the right reasons” and dissolving the board of directors, becoming the sole director of Twitter, by inviting the “leftists” to work 12 hours a day and weekends to bring social change, major advertisers pulled ads from Twitter over concerns about easing content moderation policy, offered $8/month Twitter verification tool, put all user verification policy changes on hold until November 8 US election, chatting with political leaders that policies such as the suspension of ex-President Trump’s account will not be lifted until they are considered by a new advisory board in the coming weeks… the richest man in the world completed a $44 billion purchase, meeting the deadline to avoid being prosecuted in a lawsuit filed by Twitter, after Musk himself tried to pull out of a deal signed last April.

Since he became the owner, announced that Twitter will permanently ban accounts “that they enjoyed changing their details without explicitly inserting the word ‘parody’ into every offensive post,” after many users changed their account names to “Elon Musk” to protest his plans to charge $8 a month for blue check, indicating that the service has confirmed the identity of the owner. As previously reported, employees who were not firedthey came trained by managers to work 12-hour days, seven days a week to overhaul Twitter’s verification system in one week, as requested by Musk. In addition, the world’s richest man asked about 50 employees of the Tesla car company he owns to check Twitter’s code, despite the fact that the electric car company was a separate public company. The Day Musk Completed the Twitter Acquisition, promised Twitter advertisers that he would make sure the platform was “warm and welcoming to everyone” and not “a gratuitous hell where you can say whatever you want without repercussions.” Major advertisers who use Twitter primarily to promote their brands rather than products to promote (including General Motors Company, General Mills, and Mondelez) have been concerned about Musk’s takeover of Twitter from the start due to his downsizing plans and past statements. that he prioritizes freedom of speech over content moderation.

On November 2, 2022, Musk met with the leaders of several political groups, later tweeted that he explained to them “how Twitter will continue to fight hate and harassment and enforce its election integrity policy.” But despite all these actions, within just a few hours, the use of racist terms on Twitter increased so much that Yoel Roth, head of Twitter security and integrity, stated that “a small number of accounts posted a mass of tweets, including insults and other derogatory terms.” Around the same time, Twitter was inundated with anti-Semitic tweets, including those from supporters of rapper Ye, a friend of Musk, also known as Kanye West, whose account was suspended for tweeting about “Jews,” and professional basketball players. star Kyrie Irving, suspended from the Brooklyn Networks for refusing to apologize for posting a link to an anti-Semitic film on Twitter.

How Musk handles Twitter it was wide described from the media, like the beginning of “chaos”, earning unflattering analogies with Trump. But then everything changed! Now Musk has eclipsed his commitments to quickly improve Twitter’s functionality by offering users the ability to attach long texts to tweets, “doing away with the absurdity” of screenshots, with the enticing “creator monetization for all forms of content”. But not only! The app formerly known as Twitter announced a name change a few weeks ago. “X.com”, this new name and web address, redirects to Twitter.com. Company headquarters now has a flashing X where the bluebird logo used to be, and the app logo is represented by an “X” in the Apple and Google app stores.

The rebrand is another step in Musk’s transformation: An online watering hole for hyperconnected people that aims to be one app capable of everything,” said new CEO Linda Iaccarino. “Twitter was acquired by X Corp. both to protect free speech and as an accelerator for X, the app for everything,” Elon Musk recently said. “The name Twitter made sense when it was only 140 characters long. which used to go back and forth like a bird tweet, but now you can post just about anything, including several hours of video. In the coming months, we will add comprehensive communications and the ability to manage your entire financial world,” he added.

Musk then talked about his goal of turning Twitter into what he calls a super app., something similar to Chinese WeChat. While there is currently no US equivalent of such an application, industry insiders envision an app that will cover just about everything what a person wants to do online. “Users of the app can already do a lot of different things on the platform, whether it’s listening to podcasts, shopping, watching videos,” said Nii Achen, director of strategy at marketing firm Tinuiti. Will New X Push Lead to Paid Subscriptions (And it will be successful, in theory it could become a more mainstream version of Patreon or other similar platforms,” admits Aachen. “Whether it will be successful remains to be seen.” People are on Twitter today, so repositioning the company will require significant time and investment! And today we really have the backbone of the team.”

Musk seems to have been obsessed with the letter X for a long time.. He used to call his very first startup “X.com”, which became PayPal (although Musk reportedly insisted on keeping the X name (in vain, as biographer Walter Isaacson said). After buying Twitter, Musk reportedly wrote to Isaacson that he was “very excited to finally implement X.com, as it should have been done, using Twitter as an accelerator!” The X also appears in other Musk endeavors, including his SpaceX space exploration adventure, his recently launched artificial intelligence application “xAI” and “Model X”, one of the first models of Tesla electric vehicles. Musk reclaimed the X.com domain already six years ago, and in April it officially changed the legal name of Twitter to X Corp, and about ten days ago X.com was redirected to Twitter.com.

At the moment, platform rebranding is just a name change: no new features have been introduced, “but the name change suggests Musk is likely to retain control of the company for the foreseeable future,” said Mandeep Singh, an analyst with Bloomberg Intelligence.

After Musk’s takeover in April 2022According to Singh, some observers believed that the billionaire could make some changes to Twitter and quickly transfer it to another owner. This option is now excluded.. I don’t think there is any other potential buyer who will accept it now. If you analyze what Tesla has done in terms of advertising, of which there is very little, you will understand that his (Mask’s) belief is that a good product sells on its own, without advertising it. In reverse order, There are many, many big brands and companies that are spending millions of dollars on Twitter. and I don’t agree with that,” said Aaron Goldman, director of marketing for Mediaocean, Twitter’s advertising partner.

Expand the reach of the platform to include things like shopping. Analysts say paid or subscription content could really help it thrive in the long run, creating multiple revenue streams and making it less dependent on big companies’ willingness to spend money. In the short term, developing such capabilities will require huge investments in personnel and infrastructure. It’s far from clear whether the company, which has cut about three-quarters of its workforce and is now embroiled in multiple lawsuits over unpaid bills, can handle it.
“In terms of cloud infrastructure, the investment is significant — we’re talking about $40 billion,” Singh said. “Twitter, as a standalone app, now lacks the infrastructure to become a universal app!”. Let’s see…

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