Yoga: Core Flow Vinyasa, a way to strengthen your abdominals


Yoga It’s one of the most popular practices, but if we’re trying to lose weight and build muscle, it’s not the activity we do, right?Well, you’d be wrong, because depending on how you practice it, it could be ideal for weight loss

Build muscle.

That’s why we’re going to talk to you today about a more intense and ideal way to sculpt your tummy.we are talking about

Core Flow Yoga This variant is widely recognized for its dynamic and balanced approach, allowing

belly of steel Due to its continuous movement in sync with conscious breathing.

The difference between Core Flow Vinyasa and ordinary yoga

Unlike regular yoga, core flow vinyasa yoga features a more intense practice.

physical strength and demandscombines aerobic exercise and promotes

Balance between body and mindthereby improving sleep quality and reducing stress levels while boosting personal energy and abdominal strength.

Their courses are usually much more

Dynamic They are usually performed to music while explaining the postures and breathing you have to do, as you have to expand your belly to get the “prana” (nourishing energy) with each inhale and contract it with each exhale to release it. apana” (nourishing energy. purifying).

Woman doing yoga outdoors. /

Picture from Freepik.

Core Flow Vinyasa Benefits

Core Flow Vinyasa helps strengthen back muscles and improve

muscle power, elasticity and posture, thereby relieving joint pain while increasing lung resistance through a series of rhythmic deep breathing and aerobic exercise.Let’s talk about your situation in more detail


1. Increase resilience and flexibility

Its habitual practice will produce

flexibility And relieves joint stiffness as it promotes muscle opening. Its different poses will allow you to exercise your muscles,

joint Little by little, you gain resilience in a safe and controlled way.

2. Increase energy levels

Exercises of different postures

endorphins, increases blood flow to the brain and reduces the number of negative thoughts.Research also shows that poor body posture may be related to

low energy levelyoga helps correct it.

3. Strengthen the core

The key to strengthening

core Not only does it activate the muscles of the lower trunk, it also stabilizes the spine. Through core flow yoga poses, the abdominal core muscles are activated and strengthened, in addition to using your own body weight to mobilize the spine, generate core strength, and strengthen the abdominals.

Improve your stability, strength and balance.

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4. Reduce stress

The fluid movements of this exercise are not only a great exercise;

Meditation in motionanyone. Completing a series of poses requires concentration, focus, and deep breathing.This will calm the mind and

Relieve stress and anxiety.

5. Strengthen the heart

This style of yoga is an energetic yet accessible aerobic exercise that helps

Reduce resting heart rate, increase resistance and improve oxygen consumption during exercise. Additionally, they increase circulation between the heart and its surrounding muscles and tissues.

6. Increase range of motion

Maintaining a good range of motion is key

Reduce damage, improve body posture and be able to complete daily tasks without joint pain.This type of yoga increases the range of motion of our joints while creating

muscle power.

7. Increase lung capacity

Flow Yoga Breathing Techniques Can

Expand lungs Work to the best of your ability and strengthen your diaphragm.This way you can improve your respiratory health and increase

vital capacityhelps treat respiratory conditions such as asthma or bronchitis.

8. Helps burn calories

Core Flow Vinyasa is very active, so it helps burn more calories and speed up your metabolism than regular yoga.This moderate-intensity one-hour Core Flow Vinyasa class will keep you burning off

Between 400 and 800 calorieshelp you lose body fat and improve your physical fitness.

Woman performing yoga asanas. /

Image provided by yanalya on Freepik.

The most common core flow yoga exercises

1.Downward dog pose

This is an ideal pose

Stretch and strengthen muscles. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, take a deep breath, and raise your arms toward the ceiling. As we release the air, we bend at the hips until the hands reach the ground. From this position, we step back into an inverted V position, drawing the hips toward the ceiling.

2. Upward dog

Very suitable for work

Upper body and flexibility column. Lie face down on your mat with your legs hip-width apart. Place your hands firmly at the level of your ribs, fingers spread wide. Inhale as you extend your arms and lift your body (trunk and pelvis) upward, leaving only the tops of your feet supported.

3. Chair style

This posture strengthens

legs and improve balance. Inhale, and on the exhale, bend your legs, bend your knees, and lower your body until your thighs and chest form a 90-degree angle. Find a balance point so that your knees are no further forward than the balls of your feet.

4. table

This pose is stimulating

Abdominal Resistance and Strength and weapons. It is commonly known as the high plank position, which involves raising your body face down and holding the weight with your palms and toes. With your feet slightly open, your hands under your shoulders, your arms extended, and your body fully straight.

5. Side plank

Great for strengthening

obliques and improve stability. From the previous pose, you slowly begin to shift your weight toward your right hand and reach your left hand toward the ceiling. Place your left foot directly over your right foot, open your body to the left, and try to keep your legs extended while maintaining balance.

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