“You walked me to the altar too”

Virginia MikhailovichAfter wedding with Alessandro Vogliacco celebrated on June 17 at the Monopoli Cathedral in Puglia, he shared a thank you post on social media where he also talked about his beloved father sinisawho passed away last year due to leukemia, which he had been battling for some time.

Virginia Mikhailovich, wedding and memory of Sines

I already miss yesterday“He started like this Virginia his lengthy Instagram post accompanying a series of wedding shots with Alessandro Vogliaco. Then he continued:It was the best day of my life along with Violante’s birthday. A day that exceeded all my expectations, emotions that I cannot describe in words, and without a doubt, a day that I will remember for the rest of my life as the most beautiful day in the world.Further, an appeal to his beloved father and former coach of Bologna: “The people I love are all around us, I mean everyone because dad I felt you all the time next to me, you also walked me down the aisle along with my brothers and my uncle and you never made me feel alone, as, however, and always. We finally crowned our dream, united forever, beyond all borders. So that no one separates what God has united“.

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