11 beauty therapy treatments to do in summer

in the era of body positivity speak about get back in shape Or swimsuit fitting is at least anachronistic and really we wouldn’t do that.

The purpose of this article is to inform about the latest and most effective treatments for those who wish to undergo Small and minimally invasive interventions to help you see better – You may have just bought a bikini or a very comfortable dress – but, above all, to feel better.

Being comfortable with your body is a highly subjective thing and it reflects on the psyche as well, so it’s not just a matter of aesthetics or the pursuit of perfection.

and i think so too The stars that more and more often become bearers of a new peace given, in fact, not being forced to follow the aesthetic dictates imposed by the entertainment industry, e.g. they show themselves naturallywithout worrying about wrinkles signs of the passage of timekg more or less

After health, which takes priority independently How we see ourselves in kilos and centimeters and how we feel is what matters.

Based on this, However, we are also free, if we do not like something, to intervene. And consider the solutions that new technologies and medical-scientific research now provide and that are increasingly within everyone’s reach.

Aesthetic Medicine Treatments: What Do You Do In The Summer?

A bearing What really bothers us and which we cannot get rid of even with diets and sports? Sagging skin maybe due to too strict diet? Problem cellulite And the water retention that we struggle to resolve despite sports and proper hydration? But at the same time, a dull complexion and a few wrinkles bother us?

to these and other terms Aesthetic Medicine comes to our aid where a right lifestyle is not enough And it’s certainly a good time to think about some small interventions.

“in the summer attention goes more to the body With the awareness that, during the summer, it will show itself more. The most requested treatments are those against cellulite and water retention, which are compared Mesotherapy, ozone therapy and manual lymphatic drainage. Another highly requested procedure is related to the capillaries / veins of the legs which are treated with Net (three-dimensional phallotherapy) and vascular laser. Finally, localized fat deposits are treated with cryolipolysis (CoolSculpting). Dr. Claudio Carenzio, Aesthetic surgeon of Image Regenerative Clinic.

“In general, all treatments involving the use of lasers, injections or machines should be planned well in advance for the coming summer, with the results already stable”, concludes Dr. Carenzio.

And if aesthetic therapy is not enough?

Even if we break the bank in the field of surgery, it’s worth pointing out Even liposuction and mini-liposuction are now programmable Taking care over the holidays and now is certainly less invasive and painful, provided you carefully choose the professionals you trust. And these are not only procedures requested by women, more and more men rely on these interventions for body reshaping; For example rapper kanye west told TMZ she underwent liposuction and well-known radio host Howard SternHe announced during one of his shows, that he had only one surgery to remove his double chin.

,Liposuction and mini-liposuction are now routine procedures is carried out on an outpatient basis and requests during this period increase dramatically (from both men and women) precisely because in the face of minimally invasive operations performed under sedation (not total anesthesia), in which The recovery time is short, approximately one to 4-5 days, making it possible to intervene in a safe, effective and definitive manner where aesthetic therapy treatments are not sufficient or where an immediate result from an intervention is desired”, declares doctor ellis migSpecializes in General Surgery and Specialist in Plastic Surgery, Master in Aesthetic Medicine and Laser Therapy Image Regenerative Clinic.

Now let’s dive into the details and find out what we can plan now to get tangible results in time for the holidays – and how much it will cost us.

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