According to Fundación Brecha de Esperanza del Cibao, the prevalence of hepatitis C in DR is high.

San Diego, RD.- In the framework of World Hepatitis Day, celebrated every year on 28 July, the Fundación Brecha de Esperanza del Cibao calls on adults to undergo a diagnostic test for the disease, given the high prevalence of this virus in the Dominican Republic.

The nonprofit’s president, Dr. Ivelis Toribio, affirmed the need to bridge the gap. For this reason, teamwork is urgently needed as a strategy to eradicate viral hepatitis. Technical staff, multidisciplinary experts, epidemiologists, committed volunteers, and resources and sustainability to achieve the vision and goals of reducing the incidence of cases in the country.

Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver, there are different types: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, CMV, Herpes, Sptein Baar virus.

The first thing we have to do is start a broad campaign on how to avoid transmission routes: education and awareness; preventive measures: vaccination.

Hepatitis A and B are preventable and there are vaccines. We have to treat the hepatitis C virus, and it’s curable because we don’t have a vaccine. But if we don’t stop him, he could develop cirrhosis, liver cancer and die.

Experts pointed out that there are about 296 million people infected with hepatitis B virus in the world, and about 57 million people infected with hepatitis C virus.

In Latin America, 7.2 million people are affected by the C virus, a number believed to have increased with the pandemic. This increase was especially seen among adults, adolescents, drug users, and gay men. Every 30 seconds a patient in the world dies from hepatitis.

“Our aim is to try to close the gap and we are doing this by educating these vulnerable groups about how hepatitis is transmitted,” the health professional said.

He added that Type A cases can be transmitted through poor hygiene, exposure to contaminated water, feces; while B and C can be transmitted through bodily fluids, wounds, sharp objects, blood transfusions, tattoos, piercings, organ transplants, unprotected intimacy Contact (especially with homosexuals) infection.
Dr. Toribio reported that the Foundation has carried out a vaccination program with the support of the MISPAS Expansion of Vaccination PAI and a program of assistance and assistance in prisons, schools, clubs, nursing homes and they are providing assistance in different provinces and territories . National municipality.

We train leaders who coordinate actions in different destinations and contact us to support special communities with pregnant adolescents, where there is a risk of vertical transmission, where it is necessary to target and vaccinate newborns given the immaturity of the mother . and older adults by vulnerability status.

Adherence to treatment was also monitored. Some patients discontinue due to lack of guidance and resources to keep appointments. Our teams mobilize into communities for medical screening operations.

“We’ve explored seven of the 32 provinces and 19 municipalities across the country, and by 2022 the total number of patients will be 2,216, and we’ve screened 600 people this year. What we’ve done is work with community leaders to get them Help us find people who are not afraid of being stigmatized for carrying the disease and help them get proper treatment,” he said.

Medical professionals urge people to educate themselves about hepatitis, go to the foundation if their company and follow-up is needed, and not be afraid to get tested. You can’t wait. We can heal you and restore you to your place in the Society in a useful and healthy manner.

Fundación Brecha de Esperanza del Cibao has been operating since 2019 on Calle C # 6, Reparto Perelló district, and is an organization dedicated to the prevention, control and treatment of liver diseases, especially viral hepatitis.

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