Adele Exarchopoulos, discover her cheerful burd at dinner at the Elysee Palace

In the last few years, since the film “The Life of Adele” was a huge success in France, Adele Exarchopoulos was invited by the chef of the state to a gala dinner at the Elysee Palace. Problem: the actress has had a genetic moment. Et aujourd’hui, elle préfère en rire!

What is the poster for Thomas Keighley’s latest film? animal kingdomsamong women there was a response from Romain Duris and Paul Kircher, Adele Exarchopoulos was invited by Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine in those days on the France 5 broadcast plateau, Cà Vous. An opportunity for a French actress to come to life one of the greatest moments of his career… Here at the Elysee Palace!

Adele Exarchopoulos invited to dinner at the Elysee Palace: “I’m in trouble”

Indeed, when France discovers this in the films of Abdellatif Kechiche, Life of d’Adele, Adele Exarchopoulos invited Francois Hollande to a gala dinner organized at the office of the Presidential Palace. An opportunity to celebrate the success of the film and receive the Palme d’Or at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival.

Accompanied by her era assistant Léa Seydoux and film director Abdellatif Kechiche, the 29-year-old actress is ready to eat right at the Elysee Palace. “It’s huge”at-elle d’abord confié sur le plato de Cà vousclearly an encore choquée at this invitation and at the location that was available in the era. “On passe à table et il ya des majordomes. Pour moi je suis dans une blague. “Ils restient comme ça sans bouger”at-elle d’ailleurs poursuivi.

Adele Exarchopoulos’s great moment at the Elysee Palace

And Adele Exarchopoulos continues: And at the end I remember how they brought us a small saucepan with a small rose petal, and I say: bon ba, this is a digestif. Because I’m a little shy, I’m the one who’s shy, I’m a boy. I let go, but tête et je vois Léa qui prend un only fou rire”. Indeed, the digestif in question is actually a rins-dugt… “The whole world is created and accomplished, I vois la femme du President qui est en train de se richer les doigts”, on her cheerful conversation. Before completing the hilary plateau: “Fiona in Shrek”. A memorable story that seems to have happened quite recently. Elle a bien raison!

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