Billionaire kids who are the richest in the world: ranking

Some kids are already billionaires. Here is a recent ranking that shows who is the richest in the world.

When we talk about the richest kids in the world, we are talking about family assets, as we cannot generate income in their first years of life. Let’s get acquainted with the ranking of children who are real billionaires.

Here are the richest kids in the world –

When we were kids, most of us were happy to have extra money in our pockets to buy stickers or a Mickey Mouse comic or top up our cell phone. Some set aside their weekly pocket money to buy a treasured item like a player or a toy, while others immediately spent it on personal needs.

It is incredible, however, that there are billionaire children in the world, just like adults. These are children born in very successful and wealthy families, with an abundance of zeros. Let’s go see ranking of the richest children in the world.

Billionaire kids: here are the 5 richest people in the world

The ranking of the richest children in the world is very diverse. However, the first position is most surprising, given that it is occupied by an unexpected face. Contrary to what one might think, this Princess Charlotte of Cambridge Hell takes first place in the ranking of billionaire children, bypassing even his older brother.

Top 5 richest kids in the world –

Prince William and Princess Kate’s second child has a huge net worth of £3.6bn ($4.4 billion). Although this is 12% less than in 2021, it still outperforms its big brother’s assets. prince George, which is in second place with net worth £2.4 billion.

To complete the podium there is Valentina Paloma Pino, daughter of actress Salma Hayek and billionaire businessman Francois-Henri Pinault. Thanks to her trust and future inheritance, little Valentina’s estate is worth about £1.6 billion ($1.9 billion), up 16,150% from 2021.

In fourth place we find Jacques Grimaldison of Albert and Charlene, rulers of the Principality of Monaco, with $800 million. Rounding out the five billionaire kids is Suri CruiseThe 16-year-old daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, who boasts a fortune estimated at $653 million.

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