‘Brain taps,’ sock magic and other viral ways to get a good night’s sleep during a heat wave

Sleeping comfortably during a heat wave can be a mission impossible, so prepare for the worst. Especially for things to come. Aemet confirmed to EFE on Sunday 6 August that a new heat wave will be in place from Monday 7 August to Thursday 10 August.and predict Wednesday will be the worst day: Temperatures could reach or exceed 40 degrees in many areas. At night, the views are just as breathtaking.they are expected to happen hot tropical nightthat is, those temperatures exceeding 20 °C.

(This is how the next heat wave is going to be: more frequent, longer, warmer, and could happen anytime)

Effects of poor sleep due to heat ‘likely’ More than simple discomfort, it can have a major impact on our health and wellbeingr”, says Vicente Javier Clemente, full professor and member of the European University Applied Psychophysiology Research Group and Center of Excellence for Health, Exercise and Life Sciences.

more tired and grumpy. These effects can hit us after a hot night keeps us from sleeping.”Insufficient sleep can negatively affect our cognitive function and mood,” warns Clement. Plus, it’s linked to increased risk of cardiovascular problemsExamples include high blood pressure and heart disease. It affects the immune system, weakening our defenses against disease.

‘Simple but effective’ measures to combat sleep impact of nighttime heat

– Keep curtains and blinds closed during the day and open windows at night to let in air and keep the room cool.

– If you use a fan, place an ice pack or freezer bottle in front of the fan to help cool the air moving through the bedroom.

– Disconnect electronic devices in the room before going to bed, as devices such as TVs or computers emit heat.

– Use pajamas and sheets made of breathable materials to help regulate body temperature.

– Take a refreshing shower or bath before bed.

– Avoid eating too many foods before bed, as they can increase heat sensation and interfere with sleep.

ideal temperature

These measures are great for those who decide not to turn on the air conditioner due to environmental awareness or lack of resources. For those who do, we recommend keeping it at the ideal temperature so you can sleep soundly. What is the ideal temperature?

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The scientific community has not yet agreed on its contents.but others think About 18.3℃. However, to avoid heat, any temperature between 15.6 and 19.4 °C will do.

an important factor

Thermal environment is one of the most important factors affecting human sleep.According to a study by Kazue Okamoto-Mizuno and Koh Mizuno. This, they note, is because “thermoregulation is intimately linked to the mechanisms that regulate sleep.”

The human body has two mechanisms for regulating temperature. The central zone, or thermostatic core, is the area where heat is generated. On the other hand, the peripheral area or variable temperature shell is responsible for regulating it. The latter depends on ambient temperature conditions, decreasing in hot climates and increasing in cold climates.

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The average human core body temperature (CBT) is 36.5°C and varies by about 1°C in a 24-hour day. The highest values ​​occur in the late afternoon and the lowest in the early morning. “Ambient temperatures outside the thermal comfort zone interfere with this process Interference with sleep initiation and/or maintenance,” they noted in another study published in the Journal of Sleep Research.

“Brain-tapping,” sock tricks, and more

“The most efficient and effective way to rapidly lower body temperature is to forced ventilationthey explained in a study. The process is simple: it involves directly ventilating bare skin, which increases moisture loss from the skin by promoting convection and evaporative sweating. That’s why when it’s hot and you’re feeling dizzy and sweating, a fan can help calm you down.

The same logic applies to some of TikTok’s viral methods.One of the most viewed videos is by user Álvaro Casares who commented on 10 Tips for Sleeping in the Summer Heat.

10 tips for @alvarocasaress to sleep in Spain from May 40 #españa #dormir #verano2023 #calor #camas ♬ Summer is here – La Banda Latina

This user suggested very simple measures, such as keeping the blinds closed during the day to keep hot air out or heat from the glass, turning the pillows over, or putting ice cubes in front of the fan.perhaps The craziest thing he mentioned was freezing the sheets for 30 minutes.

@thetappingsolution In our fast-paced world, productivity is highly valued, but sometimes it can feel incredibly challenging. 😣 It’s natural to experience ups and downs in productivity and motivation 📊 But it’s important not to let yourself be overwhelmed by them! If you find yourself facing a productivity hurdle, take a deep breath and hit 60 seconds with @Alex Ortner. Let’s release any stress and old beliefs that may be causing this! 🧘‍♂️ 💡Tip: Break your tasks down into manageable chunks and celebrate small wins, productivity isn’t about perfection – it’s about progress! 💪 ⬇️ Click Script: ⬇️ Even though it feels difficult to be productive today, I am now choosing to relax and embrace the transition, I am now ready to release old beliefs about my productivity and embrace a new version of myself today Productivity can be fun, I can enjoy every task ahead of me. I can be productive, but not perfect. I do my best and let go of the rest. When I release stress and relax into the flow of the day, I get things done with purpose and ease. Motivated, determined and ready for a productive day #eft #eftapping #thetappingsolution #alexortner #productivity #motivation #inspiration #ProductivityTips #ProductivityHacks ♬ Original Voice – TheTappingSolution

Other clever ways to beat the nighttime heat have also gone viral on the popular social network.one of them is brain miningwhich involves repeated tapping on certain parts of the body. This technique works just as well as counting sheep or doing breathing exercises.

Another way is socks trick: Fill a sock with rice and put it in the fridge for a few minutes. Afterwards, it can be placed on the bed or under a pillow to acclimate.

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