But what about Sandra Bullock?

controversy about Sandra Bullock. The Hollywood star, who lost her partner Brian Randall just a few days ago, is at the center of a rather unusual scandal. Part of US public opinion demands that the artist returnOscar won in 2010 as the best leading actress of the film “Blind area” directed by John Lee Hancock. We are trying to understand the reasons. If they ever were.

The American football champion is the protagonist of the film, which tells the true story. Michael Oher. For Big Mike, as the player was nicknamed, the film will present a profile of his adoptive family quite different from the real one. Oher, an African-American “big boy” with a particularly difficult childhood, was fortunate enough to be adopted by a wealthy white family.

Lee Ann Tui (Sandra Bullock) and her husband Sean (Tim McGraw) do not betray the boy’s talent and support him, especially in athletic growth, until complete success. If not for the former champion, “their” would never have integrated him into the family, deliberately leaving him in a status different from that of his two sons. For Big Mikeindeed, his image would have been used to make money. And Toohey would have collected, but only they alone, staggering numbers. What scam was implemented then by the spouses Lee Ann and Sean Toohey?

Last February Oher discovers the deception. The document he then signed is not about adoption, but rather about “guardianship.” This is an American legal institution that provides protection to minors or persons declared mentally incompetent by a court. A bit like our ban. The story is reminiscent of the ugly story of Britney Spears.. The pop star, almost enslaved by her father, endured a nightmare that lasted for years, during which the rest they chose and they ruled for her. A few days ago, our main character presented the facts to the court. Joining a family Toohey (moreover, he remained an Oger) payment of illegally recovered. There is noise. On social networks, fans of the colored champion predominate among ill-wishers.

A sharp comment is a comment left sportscaster Brandon Walker which on X unequivocally states “At this point, Bullock must slip away and retrieve Oscar.” Instead, Bullock is fiercely defended by her colleague Quinton Aaron, who plays herself in the film. Michael Oher. He says: “An absurd statement. I don’t understand what Sandra’s shortcomings are. She did only what was asked of her. Moreover, excellently and with great dedication. The Tui couple say they are surprised and deeply saddened. And, at least for now, they’re in denial.

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