Community Flu Vaccine in Valencia | From December 4, Valencians over 18 years old and smokers will be able to receive the flu vaccine

The last age group to start is the flu vaccination campaign, which is targeted at the general population over 18 years of age and free of illness. The Ministry of Health will start immunizing people between 18 and 59 years of age who request it (as long as there are no contraindications) and smokers under 60 years of age starting next Monday, December 4.

Through this measure, the aim is not only to avoid infection in all those who decide to receive a dose of a vaccine against the virus, but also to protect the most vulnerable groups, who may suffer complications due to their personal situation and are among the risk groups who may be without Lesions in people infected.

A total of 824,857 doses have been administered to people in priority risk groups since the vaccination campaign began in the community on 16 October. By province, 423,597 people have been vaccinated in Valencia, 308,417 in Alicante and 92,843 in Castellon. Compared with the vaccination campaign during the same period last year, the number of vaccines increased by 6%.

More than 65% of total doses (538,550) were administered to people over 64 years of age, representing 51% coverage in this age group, which is the most problematic due to its risk of respiratory complications. Medical staff have received 47,281 doses of vaccine, and 26,742 residents of medical centers have been vaccinated, with coverage rates of 57.65% and 79.02% respectively.

Immunization of children under five years of age (6 to 59 months) without risk pathology is one of the new features of the 2023-2024 seasonal campaign, with 40,180 doses of vaccine administered so far. Specifically, 15,101 doses of the intranasal vaccine have been administered to infants aged 6 months to 2 years old, and 25,079 doses of the intranasal vaccine have been administered to boys and girls aged 2 to 4 years.

It should be remembered that if minors have the flu, they are the main spreaders of the flu and also a source of infection for the elderly (their grandparents) (another priority group), which is why both boys and girls are vaccinated 5 It is important for people under the age of 10 and seniors to avoid getting the flu this fall and winter.

Experts note that the temperatures recorded in recent weeks have led people to minimize the presence of these respiratory viruses, which could have serious consequences for those at risk. Therefore, considering that the cold is coming, they recommend that high-risk groups who have not yet been vaccinated, as well as the general population who will be able to receive the vaccine starting on December 4, request an appointment to receive the vaccine.

COVID-19 data

Regarding COVID-19 vaccinations, 582,955 doses have been administered. By province: Castellón 63,886, Alicante 220,684, Valencia 298,385. Of the total number of vaccinations by risk group, 523,485 were vaccinated for people over 60 years of age and 32,388 doses were administered to health and/or social hygiene workers. It must be taken into account that people who have recently been infected with coronavirus must wait for the recommended time for vaccination, which is three months.

The main goal of this campaign, launched on October 16 in the Valencian community, is to reduce morbidity and mortality from influenza and COVID-19, especially among vulnerable groups. The risk groups defined in the current campaign are: senior center and functionally diverse residents, health and social care staff, people aged 60 or over (not 65 or over), people under 60 with risk medical conditions, Pregnant women. This year, healthy boys and girls aged 6 to 59 months or those under 14 with dangerous medical conditions, as well as smokers under 60, are also included in the flu shot.

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